Posts Tagged ‘allied’

White Supremacist ‘Active Club’ Provides Security for Moms for Liberty-Allied Mayoral Candidate

Members of the white supremacist Tennessee Active Club provided security for Gabrielle Hanson, a Moms for Liberty-backed alderman in Franklin, Tennessee, and current candidate for mayor, at a recent candidate forum, according to local reporter Phil Williams of News Channel 5. The Tennessee Active Club is one of the “prominent cells” in a rapidly growing network […]

A senior German Army officer and former Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Brunssum, General Hans-Lothar Domröse, has predicted that the Russia-Ukraine conflict will run into a stalemate and some sort of a ceasefire will be reached by summer.

READ HERE: Ex-NATO general predicts Ukraine ceasefire “Neither Moscow nor Kiev will succeed with their military goals, a top German officer claims” Source

Crimes Against Humanity Were Committed By Allied Powers in WW2; Seems America is Always on the Wrong Side in Every War

Please Share Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Share on pinterest Share on whatsapp The GREATEST CRIMINAL ACT in the HISTORY OF ALL MANKIND ~ {until the Covid Scamdemic} 19 September 2021 by Monika Schaefer article by Frederick Medler During the nineteen thirties the nation of Germany, under the leadership […]

The Judeo-Allied Bombing of Japan

The Fire Raids on Japan The fire raids on Japan started in 1945. The fire raids were ordered by the murderous psychopath General Curtis LeMay, who some see as the ‘Bomber Harris’ of the Pacific War, in response to the difficulty B-29 crews had in completing pinpoint strategic bombing over Japanese cities. LeMay, therefore, decided […]

The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau: Investigations of Horrific judeo-allied Atrocities

Feature Image: Ukrainians greet Germans 1941 The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, 1939-1945, by Alfred M. de Zayas. Nebraska University Press, 1989. Softcover, 364 pages. Bibliography, index, photographs. ISBN: 0-8032-9908-7 Reviewed by Robert Clive See Also – Carolyn Yeager’s extensive research, compilation, assessment,  and reading  of the Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau. […]

The Lethal judeo-allied Liberation of Bergen-Belsen

The Lethal Liberation of Bergen-Belsen Joseph Bellinger The commandant of Belsen, Josef Kramer, was a bull of a man, with thick wrists, a stout neck, and massive hands. Kramer cut such an imposing figure that the British executioner, hangman Henry Pierpoint, was a bit wary of him when he was first brought out from his […]

The judeo-allied Kangaroo Court Trial and Murder of Zyklon B Inventor Dr. Bruno Tesch

Zyklon B, Auschwitz, and the Trial of Dr. Bruno Tesch by William B. Lindsey Published: 1983-10-01 The Prelude to “Justice” Toward the end of World War II, the designated legal representatives of the jUnited Nations,[1] meeting in London with Lord Wright, Chairman of the United Nations War Crimes Commission, established the London Agreements to implement earlier […]

Report: Tens of Thousands of Allied Fighters Serve as Iran’s Four-Pronged Network of Proxy Forces

Iranian-backed Shia militias pose a growing threat to Israel from Syria and Lebanon. Photo: Iranian government media. Iran “exerts near-complete control” over a network of tens of thousands of close allied fighters across the Middle East and has ties to tens of thousands more, posing the Islamic Republic’s most formidable challenge to the US, according […]

Asinine Allied Agreements

We Americans can claim only a relatively short history of settlement on the North American continent, but it would still come as a terrible blow if we were forcibly driven from our homeland by foreigners, i.e. Mexicans. The Sudeten Germans experienced such an ethnic catastrophe. They resided in settlements that were over 700 years old. […]

Lebanon’s president challenges U.S. sanctions against Hezbollah-allied Christian leader

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Turkey Allied with Azerbaijan Against Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh

By Stephen Lendman Global Research, October 15, 2020 Months of planning preceed preemptive wars. Since July, Turkish and Azeri troops participated in joint air and ground military exercise. Most often these type drills are defensive. They’re conducted to prepare for possible attacks on the territory of participating nations. Azeris launched war on Armenia in Nagorno-Karabakh (NK […]

Allied Hypocrisy & The Execution Of Dr. Klaus Karl Schilling For Malaria Experiments At Dachau

By John Wear During the Doctors’ Trial at Nuremberg, Dr. Karl Brandt and the other defendants were infuriated at the moral high ground taken by the U.S. prosecution. Evidence showed that the Allies had been engaged in illegal medical experimentation, including poison experiments on condemned prisoners in other countries, and cholera and plague experiments on […]

Gen. Patton Exposes The Allied Conspiracy To Extend WW2 & Give Eastern Europeans To Stalin, Suddenly Patton Dies Burying The Real Holocaust

Roosevelt, like Churchill & Stalin really enjoyed WW2: This is so much fun! How many Eastern European people did we end up giving you Uncle Joe? Are your Gulags full? Eisenhower will make sure our German POW extermination camps certainly are! The United States could have easily prevented the Soviet Union from marching so far west into Europe. After […]

Some Recent Reasons to Distrust American-Allied ‘News’Media

Some Recent Reasons to Distrust American-Allied ‘News’Media By Eric Eric Zuesse Only enough of the openings of these articles are included here so as to indicate the gist, about the rape of the publics minds, by the newsmedia. To see the articles themselves, click onto the given articles URL, which is shown at its […]

Fake History Lie: The Allied Leaders Actively Tried To End WWII As Soon As Possible

By John Wear The Lie: The United States and its Western Allies made a reasonable effort to end World War II as soon as possible. General Eisenhower, General Patton & President Roosevelt in Sicily, 1943 The Truth: The Allied leaders intentionally allowed the Soviet Union to take over Berlin and Eastern Europe. The Supreme Allied Commander in […]

History’s Most Terrifying Peace: Allied-Run Concentration Camps

I’d rather be 10 years in a German camp than one day in a Polish one.[15]  Wear’s War Editor’s Comment: WWII is often referred to as The Good War. Unfortunately that is a carefully crafted myth. In Germany’s War: The Origins, Aftermath & Atrocities of WWII, John Wear reviews the evidence scrutinizing the actions of both the […]

Hitler’s Favorite Boxer, an Allied Lie (Part 1 of 3)

An Allied lie that has been left over propaganda from the WW2 era is that Max Schmeling was considered by Adolf Hitler to be the great athlete of the German people and a token of white supremacy. Contrary to popular belief, Hitler and Goebbels thought of him as compromised and a liability to National Socialism. […]

Judeo-masonry allied with British Imperialists, Anglo-Saxon culture

By Jude Duffy July 25, 2017 Some white nationalists, especially those of the Anglo variety, portray the British Empire as a noble victim of unjust calumny by Zionists. In fact, much more often than not, modern Zionists wax enthusiastic about the Empire. Why not? Unlike the white nats, they know that the Rothschilds and other […]

Turkey and allied “rebels” continue attacks against Syrian Kurds

nsnbc : Turkish military forces and affiliated gangs touted as Free Syrian Army continue attacking Syrian Kurds Rojava, in northern Syria.  Most recently, Turkish military […]

New Duke Video: Melania Trump Plagiarism? The real scandal of Media tyranny over free speech!

My new video defending Melania Trump on the Plagiarism charge and the real scandal of the media tyranny over our speech and thought! Print PDF Source Article from