An 800lb (360kg) alligator, suspected of feasting on cattle, was killed by a farmer in Florida. The 15-Foot reptile was one of the biggest, professional hunter Lee Lightsey, had come across on his alligator farm in 18 years. He needed a tractor to pull the huge creature from a cattle pond on his land. The BBC reports: […]
Posts Tagged ‘alqaryatayn’
Fast for longevity and health

The types and quality of food you eat influences more than how much you weigh. Food has an effect on your metabolism, insulin production, leptin release and a myriad of other hormonal and chemical balances. Scientists are also examining the way fasting affects cellular and mitochondrial function, and longevity. They’ve found the cells in […]
London Mayor Supports Brexit – Expect the EU to Go Rogue Again

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : Boris Johnson, the Mayor of the United Kingdom’s capital London, announced on Sunday that he will back the call for Britain to leave the European Union in a national referendum on the UK’s EU membership. A leaked report from 2013 documenting how the EU planned to use all tricks in and […]