Posts Tagged ‘association’

American Family Association Seeks to Expand Religious Test for SCOTUS to Lower Court Nominees

The American Family Association’s Center for Judicial Renewal has been urging Republican presidential candidates and senators to adopt its explicit religious test for future Supreme Court justices;  the group is attempting to blackball conservative judges who fail to meet its “biblical worldview” standard. In a fundraising email sent Tuesday, AFA Action CEO Walker Wildmon revealed […]

Another Study Finds Association Between Water Fluoridation & Brain Health

A newly published study is the latest to find an association between pregnant mothers consuming fluoridated water and an increased risk for neurobehavioral problems among their children. Exposing pregnant mothers to fluoridated water may increase the risk of neurobehavioral problems in their children, according to a new study published in the JAMA Network Open medical […]

American Heart Association: 90% of Vaxxed Population Now Have Deadly Heart Defects

The American Heart Association (AMA) has warned that 90 percent of the vaccinated population now suffers from an irreversible heart condition caused by the COVID-19 vaccines. According to new research, an astounding number of fully […] The post American Heart Association: 90% of Vaxxed Population Now Have Deadly Heart Defects appeared first on The People's […]

The American Psychological Association Wants (More) Federal Funding To Curb Online “Misinformation”

Another organization getting on the speech control bandwagon. Source Views: 0

American Moses: Mike Johnson at the National Association of Christian Lawmakers Gala

Christian nationalists gathered Tuesday night at the Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C, for a National Association of Christian Lawmakers gala at which House Speaker Mike Johnson delivered the keynote address and received the NACL’s American Patriot Award for Christian Honor and Courage. The tenor of the evening was set by far-right anti-LGBTQ pastor […]

Jiu-Jitsu Association Changes Policy After Female Grapplers Quit Over Having to Face Trans Opponents

The North American Grappling Association has changed its rules and will now require male-born athletes to compete in the men’s division. Source Views: 0

North American Man/Boy Love Association Claims Pro 2-A Americans Have ‘Diseased Minds’

Pro-Second Amendment Americans have “diseased minds” and are responsible for “butchering children” according to the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA). According to the pedophile rights organization, the Biden administration must repeal the Second Amendment […] The post North American Man/Boy Love Association Claims Pro 2-A Americans Have ‘Diseased Minds’ appeared first on The People's […]

Association of American Physicians and Surgeons: Mask mandates provide no clear benefits, cause harm and violate the right to informed consent

CAVEAT: There is no such virus as “SARS-COV-02” lyingly claimed to cause “COVID-19”. 218 health/science institutions worldwide all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever No Worries No Virus Ten Reasons Why SARS-CoV-2 Is an “Imaginary” and “Theoretical Virus”. “They Never Isolated the Virus” If there really was […]

American Medical Association Tries to Save Face After Publishing Prof’s Article Calling for Public Funding of Uterus Transplants

By Kaia Lehenbauer One of the nation’s leading medical journals appears to be among the latest major institutions Source Views: 0

American Library Association President Stands By Tweet Admitting She Is a ‘Marxist Lesbian,’ States Look to Cut Ties

After being elected ALA president in April of 2022, Emily Drabinski posted a now-deleted tweet saying: “I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary. I am so excited for what we will do together. […]

American Library Association President Stands By Tweet Admitting She Is a ‘Marxist Lesbian,’ States Look to Cut Ties

After being elected ALA president in April of 2022, Emily Drabinski posted a now-deleted tweet saying: “I just cannot believe that a Marxist lesbian who believes that collective power is possible to build and can be wielded for a better world is the president-elect of @ALALibrary. I am so excited for what we will do together. […]

American Anthropological Association endorses academic boycott of Israel

Members of the American Anthropological Association overwhelmingly endorsed a resolution to boycott Israeli academic institutions with 71% of members supporting the measure. Source Views: 0

American Medical Association: ‘Body Mass Index Scale Is Racist’

Obese people in America can finally relax. According to the American Medical Association, the Body Mass Index (BMI) scale is “racist” and must be ditched completely. According to the AMA, BMI has caused “historical harm” […] The post American Medical Association: ‘Body Mass Index Scale Is Racist’ appeared first on The People's Voice. Source Views: […]

NFL Players Association Urged to Screen for Heart Issues Over Vaccine Side Effects

The NFL Players Association (NFLPA) is being urged to offer players cardiac screening in light of the growing concern over COVID-19 vaccines causing heart inflammation. The Health Freedom Defense Fund urged the association in a recent letter to implement screening because the vaccines can cause myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation. Young males are the […]

Bar Association Votes To Abandon LSAT To ‘Enhance Diversity’

The ABA’s Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar voted in an overwhelming majority to do away with the testing mandate. Source Views: 0

American Library Association scrubs incriminating webpage with instructions for secretly pushing LGBT messaging on children at public libraries

(Natural News) A webpage dedicated to teaching librarians how to groom children has disappeared into the memory hole after being outed to the general public. The far-left American Library Association (ALA) created the resource, which offered tips about how to covertly promote LGBT ideas to kids without being too obvious about it. Written by Maryland […]

Doctor Calls for Canadian Medical Association To Investigate Physician Deaths

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Doctor Calls for Canadian Medical Association To Investigate Physician Deaths

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American Library Association Removes Webpage Promoting ‘Secret’ LGBT Messaging in Libraries

The American Library Association (ALA) destroyed a webpage that taught librarians how to secretly promote pro-LGBT messaging. The original page, written by Maryland librarian Tess Goldwasser, told librarians how to sneak pro-LGBT books into towns that don’t want them. “Do you work for a library in a small, rural, conservative community? Are you a frontline […]

American Library Association Removes Webpage Promoting ‘Secret’ LGBT Messaging in Libraries

The American Library Association (ALA) destroyed a webpage that taught librarians how to secretly promote pro-LGBT messaging. The original page, written by Maryland librarian Tess Goldwasser, told librarians how to sneak pro-LGBT books into towns that don’t want them. “Do you work for a library in a small, rural, conservative community? Are you a frontline […]