Posts Tagged ‘axing’

CNN bullies Sinclair into axing scheduled interview with Plandemic’s Dr. Judy Mikovits

Sounds Healing

(Natural News) The Sinclair Broadcast Group has caved to threats from CNN over its planned airing of a “controversial” interview featuring Plandemic‘s Dr. Judy Mikovits, which will no longer be shown to viewers. As part of an investigative look into various perspectives concerning the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Sinclair had planned to air […]

Disappointed, French Jews leave Israel

Ali Abunimah 19 July 2016 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has antagonized French leaders by calling on France’s Jewish citizens to leave their country. Erez Lichtfeld SIPA USA In recent years, Israel has been trying to incite the mass exodus of France’s half-million-strong Jewish community. To the annonyance of French leaders and many French Jews, […]