Posts Tagged ‘aztexican’

The jews and the Aztexican Invasion

It is plainly obvious that the jews are behind the devastating, unchecked invasion of White homelands by hostile genetic aliens from the worst corners of the world. There is the odious Barbara Lerner Spector. There is the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS), with the slogan “Welcome the Stranger. Protect the Refugee,” which unsurprisingly only applies […]

An Aztexican jew Paints the Holohoax

The jewish anti-White mania can assume many bizarre and perverted forms. According to the jews, we are supposed to have persecuted g*d’s chosen people by allowing them to control our financial, educational, media, and governmental institutions. The rootless merchants want us to believe that we are somehow discriminating against them, even though a gigantic menorah […]

Aztexican Arsonist: Our Greatest Strength

The jews relentlessly prosecuting White genocide think so little of our people, they can keep a straight face when they tell us that “diversity is our greatest strength.”  Of course, these rat-faced monsters have thoroughly destroyed the rational capabilities of most Whites through toxic entertainment and ed-jew-cation.  Our duty to our race is to […]