Posts Tagged ‘backflip:’

Backflip: White House Contradicts Joe Biden’s Promise to Defend Taiwan

President Joe Biden on Thursday night promised the U.S. stands behind Taiwan’s defense and had a commitment to militarily support the island China claims for itself. The White House was forced to hastily issue a different, contradictory statement before the evening was out. “Yes, we have a commitment to do that,” Biden told a hand-picked […]

Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot Does Backflip

Boston Dynamics Atlas Robot Does Backflip November 17th, 2017 Via: Boston Dynamics: <!– –> <!– AD CAN GO HERE […]

Backflip on boats – Tony Abbott wavers on policy

OPPOSITION Leader Tony Abbott appeared to ditch his boat phone election promise to turn back asylum seekers after admitting yesterday he had no idea how it would work. Mr Abbott promised during the election to give prime ministerial veto over navy or border protection vessels on turning back boats. It would mean the prime minister […]

No pokies backflip: Salvos

THE Salvation Army has denied it has backflipped in its support for poker machine reforms after a report said it had announced it did not back Andrew Wilkie’s mandatory precommitment scheme, favouring a voluntary scheme. Sydney’s Daily Telegraph yesterday reported that the Salvation Army wanted a voluntary system with a trial of a mandatory system […]