Christopher Jon Bjerknes President Trump addressed the nation tonight and revealed his inane plans to combat the spread of the Coronavirus. He is scapegoating Continental Europe for his failure to protect the American People. He is failing to take needed measures to stop the spread of the disease and develop cures for it. Trump refuses […]
Posts Tagged ‘bandaids’
Cuba: Communism Part of Illuminati Dialectic
March 30th, 2016 Awake Goy
WHY THE MEDIA (AND EDUCATION) SOFT-PEDAL COMMUNISM (For New Readers) Communists always portray their demented drive for world domination in terms of serving the people. Not surprisingly, many suckers swallow this bait. (I did.) But, why do these dupes include the US State Dept. and media establishment? The US government, media and most corporations are controlled […]