Posts Tagged ‘bloodstained’

The Shroud of Turin: Jesus’ Bloodstained Burial Cloth or a Fascinating Forgery?

The Shroud of Turin is believed by many to be the bloodstained burial cloth Jesus of Nazareth was wrapped in after his crucifixion. But skeptics say it is a forgery, or at best only a religious article of historical significance. What can modern research tell us? The Shroud of Turin , a pale sheet of […]

If Anyone Tells You Destiny Doesn’t Exist, Direct Them To This Article

If anyone tells you destiny doesn’t exist, direct them to this article. A young couple from Zhejiang, China, were going through their childhood photos for their May wedding when the wife-to-be, Lu Yiquin, stumbled upon a familiar picture. Lu Yiquin noticed a person in a red coat in the background of her soon-to-be-husband’s photo. Zhang visited […]