Posts Tagged ‘bulimia’

Chewable, fruit-flavored ADHD medication ‘candy’ for young children receives FDA approval

(NaturalNews) The serious issue of overmedicating kids could be about to take on a whole new dimension with the emergence of a new medication known as Adzenys. While kids are generally averse to taking medications, few will turn their noses up at a piece of candy. That is exactly what Adzenys is banking […]

Regulating toxic chemicals: Is this new reform a toxic waste?

     There should’ve been an overhaul in how we regulate toxic chemicals years ago. Like when the 2010 President’s Cancer Panel report concluded that babies are now born “pre-polluted.” Or when it came to light that a common flame retardant used in household items actually causes cancer. Finally, our infamously ineffective Congress has passed a […]