Posts Tagged ‘burnout’

There’s No Place For Burnout In A Burning World

By the age of 10, I was terrified about the state of the world. I wanted to quit school and volunteer for environmental and human rights groups. Instead, I distributed leaflets in my neighborhood and attended rallies with my dad. At 14, I watched “An Inconvenient Truth.” At 15, I read a National Geographic article about coal […]

Man arrested in Florida over ‘Defacing Monument’ with Tire Burnout on LGBT flag, but how about BLM Statue Demolishing?

Home » Injustice, North America, Suppression » Man arrested in Florida over ‘Defacing Monument’ with Tire Burnout on LGBT flag, but how about BLM Statue Demolishing?     A Florida man has been slapped with felony charges for leaving tire tracks across an intersection painted in the rainbow colors of the LGBT pride movement. LGBT […]

6 Ways To Prevent A Catastrophic Burnout Before it Ever Happens

Next Story Burnout can happen in any career, and if you become too burned out, you may start to lose interest in other areas of your life as well. When burnout becomes catastrophic, it can feel as though you have no energy, and as though you will never have energy again. This may seem dire, […]

How to Avoid Empathy Burnout When You are Surrounded by Other People’s Pain

January 15th, 2018 By Josh Richardson Guest writer for Wake Up World It seems there could never be enough empathy and compassion in our world, but we are starting to discover that our capacity for empathy – to share the emotions of others and take their perspective – can come with a bit of a sting if we’re […]

Police Now Using ‘Pre-Crime’ Algorithm to Target and Label Innocent Citizens as Criminals

It was recently reported that the Chicago Police Department has implemented an Orwellian new program that targets innocent citizens based on indicators that they might be a person who has the potential to carry out a crime. by John Vibes Similar to dystopian films like The Minority Report, a complex computer algorithm will track and […]

Epic dad #FAIL: Family snow games go horribly wrong (VIDEO)

It starts off so innocently. A family playing in their snowy garden, with mom recording the precious memories on video. Things then take a controversial, yet hilarious turn when the dad hoists a giant, rolled snowball above his head and launches at it his small child as they run away, knocking them face-first into the […]

Epic dad #FAIL: Family snow games go horribly wrong (VIDEO)

It starts off so innocently. A family playing in their snowy garden, with mom recording the precious memories on video. Things then take a controversial, yet hilarious turn when the dad hoists a giant, rolled snowball above his head and launches at it his small child as they run away, knocking them face-first into the […]

Epic dad #FAIL: Family snow games go horribly wrong (VIDEO)

It starts off so innocently. A family playing in their snowy garden, with mom recording the precious memories on video. Things then take a controversial, yet hilarious turn when the dad hoists a giant, rolled snowball above his head and launches at it his small child as they run away, knocking them face-first into the […]

EU gives Greece 3 months to fix borders or risk Schengen suspension

A list of 50 recommendations for Greece was drawn up on the basis of a report compiled by the EU Commission last week. When the proposal was tabled in Brussels on Friday, among the 26 Schengen states, only Greece voted against, with Cyprus and Bulgaria abstaining. “It is of utmost importance that Greece addresses the […]