Image Source Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times Who is Jeb Bush? The Bushes’ criminal syndicate has committed 4 generations of treason against America. Jeb comes from a deeply corrupt family. Who is Jeb Bush? The elite establishment who control the MSM (Mainstream Media) are ensuring through their biased media coverage that […]
Posts Tagged ‘Bush Family’
The illuminati & Bush family
The entire political system of the United States and Britain is being controlled by a small group of elite occultists who have all sworn allegiance to the All Seeing Eye of Lucifer. For more than two centuries, the aristocracy of Britain and America have been involved in Satanic Secret Societies which have seeded all the […]
911 truth
Exotic High Tech Explosives Positively Identified in World Trade Center Dust — Editor A ground-breaking scientific paper confirmed this week that red-gray flakes found throughout multiple samples of WTC dust are actually unexploded fragments of nanothermite, an exotic high-tech explosive. The samples were taken from far-separated locations in Manhattan, some as early as 10 minutes […]