Posts Tagged ‘chomsky’

Learn how to “FIGHT DISINFORMATION,” with Noam Chomsky (and his allies at the State Department, DNC, RAND Corporation, EU & UN)!

From Mark Crispin Miller @ substack Having called—repeatedly—for the detention of Americans who wouldn’t get their “COVID” shots (deeming it “their problem” if they had no food), Chomsky is now working full-time at the Ministry of Truth READ AT THE LINK Photo: By Andrew Rusk from Toronto, Canada – chomsky-1893Uploaded by Skeezix1000, CC BY 2.0, […]

Unraveling the Epstein-Chomsky Relationship

On Sunday, the Wall Street Journal published a report detailing information contained within a “trove” of previously unreported documents of the deceased sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. Those documents, which have not been publicly released and appear to have been passed solely to the Journal, included Epstein’s private calendar and meeting schedules. The documents, per the […]


Chomsky believes that calling Israeli policies towards Palestinians “apartheid” is actually a “gift to Israel”, at least, if by apartheid one refers to the South-African style apartheid. JULY 5TH, 2022 RAMZY BAROUD This is, according to the Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci, the ‘interregnum’- the rare and seismic moment in history when great transitions occur, when […]

Discussing America’s role in the Syrian civil war: A Conversation with Noam Chomsky

by Noam Chomsky and Raghav Kaushik  This interview with world-renowned scholar and leading dissident Noam Chomsky has two goals. The primary goal is to understand America’s role in one of the bloodiest conflicts of the 21st century, the Syrian civil war. While there has been a lot of commentary on the Syrian civil war, there […]

Noam Chomsky: Corporate patents & rising anti-science rhetoric will prolong pandemic

[embedded content] Today, a special broadcast: an hour with Noam Chomsky, the world-renowned political dissident, linguist and author, who just turned 93 years old. Chomsky spoke to Democracy Now! prior to the discovery of the Omicron coronavirus variant, but he predicted new variants would emerge. “If you let the virus run rampant in poor countries, […]

Noam Chomsky Says We Have No Right to Gamble with the Lives of Climate-Vulnerable People: Video

[embedded content] On October 1, 2021, a month before the kickoff of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow, I had the good fortune to spend an hour with Noam Chomsky for a video interview. (A week before the summit, TomDispatch published an abridged transcript of the interview.) At the time we spoke, it was already […]

Noam Chomsky Goes Off The Deep End – Proving That All Socialism Leads To Tyranny

I was recently watching a new interview with 92-year-old Noam Chomsky, a figure of general worship among leftist academics, and I began reminiscing about the first time I read the book ‘Manufacturing Consent’. Though I have never agreed with Chomsky’s politics I have always appreciated his analysis on the methods the establishment uses to control […]

Noam Chomsky Calls for Holodomor 2.0 to Starve Unvaxxed Into Submission

jewish shill Noam Chomsky was being interviewed on the Primo Radical YouTube show this past weekend when he shared this idea for how to treat the unvaxxed. Such people have to be– they should have the decency to remove themselves from the community, if they refuse to do that, then measures have to be taken […]

Chomsky: Starve The Unvaxxed Into Submission

Leftist intellectual Noam Chomsky in a recent interview endorsed segregating the unvaccinated from society and denying them food in a neo-Bolshevik Holodomor 2.0 strategy to starve them into submission. “Such people have to be– they should have the decency to remove themselves from the community, if they refuse to do that, then measures have to […]

Noam Chomsky – Why Does the U.S. Support Israel?

النيأ العظيم === [embedded content] Islam and Muslims مفهوم الحرية واستعمال العنف [embedded content] الاسلام والمسلمون [embedded content] Islamic jurisprudence crisis أزمة الفقه الإسلامي [embedded content] Pillars of Islam and the pillars of faith أركان الإسلام وأركان الإيمان [embedded content] More here (1 to 44) The Qur’an, Morality and Critical Reason (PDF) Views: 0

Noam Chomsky: ‘White supremacy is a deep principle in U.S. society – and Jews are familiar with that’

Download App© Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, and analysis from Israel and the Middle East © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Views: 0

Why Noam Chomsky and Daniel Ellsberg are so adamant about the imperative of defeating Trump

“There is a kind of an official view about democracy — it says that you, the public, are spectators not participants,” activist and scholar Noam Chomsky points out in a new video. “You have a function. The function is to show up every couple of years, push a lever, go home, don’t bother the important […]

Chomsky: Anarchism, Libertarianism, Socialism And Propaganda

Anarchism “assumes that the burden of proof for anyone in a position of power and authority lies on them,” explains Chomsky. The following is the adapted text of an interview that first appeared in Modern Success magazine. So many things have been written about, and discussed by, Professor Chomsky, it was a challenge to think […]

Left-wing "intellectual" Noam Chomsky says Christians, not ISIS terrorists, are the real threat to the world

(Natural News) The most insidious threat to world peace isn’t radical Islamic terrorism, runaway climate change, or even a nuclear holocaust stemming from World War III. According to Noam Chomsky, an Ashkenazi Jewish man from the Ukraine and renowned leftist “intellectual,” the biggest scourge is the Republican Party and the millions of […]

Chomsky Among “Progressives” Calling for US Military Involvement in Syria

NEW YORK – On Monday, the New York Review of Books published an open letter and petition aimed at securing Western support for putting pressure on Turkey to end its occupation of Afrin, opposing further Turkish incursions into Syria, and backing autonomy for Rojava — the region of Northern Syria that has functioned autonomously since […]

Noam Chomsky On Populist Groundswell, U.S. Elections, Future Of Humanity, And More

We recently interviewed Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Laureate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona. He shared his thoughts with the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) on foreign policy, dissent in the internet age, public education, corporate predation, who’s really messing with American elections, climate change, […]

Chomsky: Populist Groundswell, U.S. Elections, the Future of Humanity

We recently interviewed Noam Chomsky, Institute Professor Emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Laureate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of Arizona. He shared his thoughts with the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) on foreign policy, dissent in the internet age, public education, corporate predation, who’s really messing with American elections, climate change, […]

Noam Chomsky Argues Trump Is being Used By The Deep State To Distract Us

Smashing the two party paradigm Noam Chomsky called out deep state democrats and republicans alike for using Trump as a distraction to destroy America. World-renowned intellectual giant and respected academic, MIT professor Noam Chomsky recently sat down for an interview called ‘A Continuing Conversation with Geographers’. In the interview, he clearly makes his thoughts […]

Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a gift to the far right and US state repression

Noam Chomsky: Antifa is a gift to the far right and US state repression London Independent December 11, 2017 Noam Chomsky has criticised the anti-fascist movement and argues its tactics are a gift to the far right and US state repression. The renowned academic, widely considered the founder of modern linguistics, says anti-fascists have instigated […]

Noam Chomsky & Robert Pollin: Imagining A New Social Order

Above Photo: Noam Chomsky and Robert Pollin discuss how the left can save the US from neoliberal excesses. (Image: Jared Rodriguez / Truthout) Google is blocking our site. Please use the social media sharing buttons (upper left) to share this on your social media and help us break through. We live in an age of illegitimate neoliberal […]