Posts Tagged ‘colonies’

Mansour: The Spirit of 1776—How 13 Rebellious Colonies Declared Their Independence

The story of the birth of our nation by Declaration in July 1776 is a story of disagreements, debates, compromises, and moral courage. It’s a story of a group of rebellious Englishmen who—despite their many differences—could agree on one thing: they wanted to live free. Source Views: 0

POLLINATOR COLLAPSE: U.S. beekeepers lost an estimated 48% of their honey bee colonies last year

(NaturalNews) The Bee Informed Partnership recently published their annual Colony Loss and Management Survey, and for the seventh year in a row, the results were… Source Views: 0

Recently discovered inscriptions from the Greek colonies of Central Asia

Physical evidence of the Greek colonies in Central Asia, particularly in parts of Afghanistan and Tajikistan, is not easy to come by. The ancient river names Oxus and Jaxartes and even the southern Afghan city of Kandahar (‘City of Iskander’ ie Alexander) provide intangible evidence of a kind. Ancient coins bearing the portraits Greek kings… […]

Why are the Jewish-only colonies in occupied Palestine still innocuously called “settlements?”

The latest New York Times report on the new Israeli home constructions in the occupied West Bank follows the mainstream media convention by calling them “settlements.” There’s no better example of George Orwell’s insight that the language we use actually shapes our ability to think. Patrick Kingsley’s report uses the word “settlements” or “settlers” a […]

France and Britain Cling on Jealously in their Former Colonies

In the general debate at the 76th session of the UN General Assembly, Sergey Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, pointed out that certain western countries are increasingly riding roughshod over peoples’ right to self-determination, if such right conflicts with their geopolitical interests. He reminded the Assembly that “in spite of UN resolutions and decisions of […]

Will human colonies be on the Moon in five years?

(Natural News) Come 2018, Moon Express will launch its first mission to the Moon. Though originally slated for late 2017, Naveen Jain, Moon Express co-founder and chairman, told that the launch is “definitely” going to happen. Moreover, Jain has gone on to state that the first human colony will be on the Moon within […]

Swedish embassy opens trade section in Iran

In a meeting with head of Tehran’s Chamber of Commerce, Swedish Ambassador Peter Tiller said the newly-established bureau is run jointly by the Swedish government and private sector. The commercial attachés in the bureau have diplomatic passports and reside in the embassy, the envoy added. Tehran and Stockholm eye rise in their economic relations after […]

France political crisis as government faces no-confidence vote

     France is in the midst of its worst political crisis in decades with the country’s beleaguered Socialist government to face a no-confidence vote on Thursday after it bypassed parliament to ram through controversial labor reforms. The announcement that the labor bill would be pushed through the lower house without a vote triggered widespread protests […]

Corbyn Goes After Cameron Over Tax Avoidance Allegations

Michaela Whitton (AM) :  Jeremy Corbyn has hit hard at David Cameron’s avoidance of ‘taxing’ questions after the revelations his late father ran an offshore fund. In the wake of the papers leaked from Panama-based law firm, Mossack Fonseca, the Labour leader has urged the Prime Minister to come clean on his taxes and pursue […]

Chinese Exports Plunge 25% in February

Chinese Exports Plunge 25% in February March 9th, 2016 Via: BBC: Chinese exports have seen their sharpest drop in almost seven years, adding to concerns over the health of the world’s second largest economy. Exports dropped sharply by 25.4% from a year earlier, while […]

Paris Suicide Bomber Given Fake Syrian Passport by Turkish Intel – Veterans Today

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