Posts Tagged ‘crucified’

Right Wing Round-Up: Literally Crucified

Peter Montgomery @ Other Words: Red Flags Over the Supreme Court America’s highest court is supposed to be impartial — especially when it comes to our elections and constitutional rights. Unfortunately, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito has been sending not very subtle signals that he’s aligned with former President Donald Trump’s MAGA movement — and […]

Jews Have Meltdown When Navy Chaplain Quotes Bible That The ‘Men Of Israel’ Crucified Christ And Need To Repent

A Jewish-dominated anti-Christian group called the “Military Religious Freedom Foundation” had a mouth-frothing meltdown recently when a Navy chaplain posted a sermon for Easter Sunday in which he quoted Peter’s admonishment to the “men of Israel” that they must repent for crucifying Christ: Lt. Aristotle Rivera serving as a Navy chaplain for the Second Marine […]

COMMENTARY: Painting Of Crucified Santa Shocks New York Holiday Crowds

Amid the gifts are also fallen trees, as well as an old tire, which could be an effort on the part of the artist to portray the environmental damage that modern living entails. Cenedella’s controversial painting, removed from a Manhattan gallery following patrons’ objections, was put on public display in front of the famous St. […]

Vatican: Bible Confirms Jesus Was Not Crucified

The Vatican have confirmed that a newly discovered 2,000 year old Bible found in Turkey says that Jesus Christ was not crucified as is commonly believed.  The Bible, which is now being kept in the Ethnography Museum of Ankara, contains the Gospel of Barnabas – one of the forgotten disciples of Christ. The Gospel says the Jesus […]

US Senate Admit That Chemtrails Are Real And Killing Humans

Until recently you were considered a conspiracy theorist if you believed that the U.S. government were involved in spraying harmful chemicals into the atmosphere, in other words if you believed in chemtrails.  Now an official US government document vindicates what alternative media have been saying for years. According to the document, entitled Weather modification: programs, […]

BREAKING: Obama Issues INSANE New Executive Order… Every Working American Should Be TERRIFIED

Subscribe is a website dedicated to truth and patriotism. Every single person writing on this site is a long time patriot. Don’t miss out on our breaking news! Subscribe by entering your email below. God bless America! Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – I think we can all agree that Obama doesn’t care about […]