SICK: Black THUG Threatens To Rape White Teacher And Her Daughter… Here’s What Happens Next

  Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – There used to be a time in America when kids were kids, teachers were teachers and the kids respected the teachers because they were taught, by their parents and other adults decency, morals, values, kindness and respect. WHAT IN THE HELL HAPPENED? In today’s world everything has been […]

Liberal Pro-Abortion Activists ATTACK Pro-Lifers By Doing THIS Disgusting Thing…

Blaze and Spitfire AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Freedom of Silence, under the new leftist constitution, is where it seems we are heading. At American University in Washington, D.C., a Pro-life group of Republican students had their flyers taken down by Liberal students who support Planned Parenthood. Then they tweeted pictures of all the flyers in […]

RINO John Boehner Makes Surprise Announcement About His Future… Conservatives Are Cheering

Blaze and Spitfire AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – BOEHNER IS FINALLY CALLING IT QUITS! This is the best news that Conservatives have heard in years. Now maybe America will finally get an ACTUAL leader in who will stand up to Barack Hussein Obama and the Democrats! Hopefully Mitch “SPINELESS” McConnell will follow in Boehner’s footsteps! The […]

BOMBSHELL: JIHAD Cleric Gives Muslim ‘Refugees’ CHILLING Orders… This Is Their REAL Mission

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Muslims are invading countries all over the world under the guise of being ‘refugees’ and are simply seeking peaceful asylum. Well, we know this is absolutely false. This is the total infiltration of the Muslim world and is all a part of their plan to take over the world. To […]

This Is What Justin Bieber Says He Would Do On His FIRST Day As U.S. PRESIDENT…

Blaze and Spitfire AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Growing up I was always taught gun control was being able to hit your target. Now the leftists of the world have made it into a battle cry to disarm the good people of America. In recent years many actors, along with many from the music industry, have […]

BOOM: Racist “F*** Yo Flag” Rioters Boast About MASSIVE Rally… But These Pictures Show The TRUTH

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – #BlackLivesMatter, #FYF911, #BurnYoFlag, New Black Panthers and other filthy, racist hate groups are making headlines and trying to expand their movements with some success, I suppose. But sometimes their expectations are dwarfed by reality. This is one of those times. Epic fail. “F*** Yo Flag” planned to have a […]

VIRAL: Black Activist Learns Deputy EXECUTED… Immediately Issues SCATHING Message To Obama (Video)

  Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – A black political activist named Joe Evans has a message for Barack Obama. He is calling Obama out and wants the POTUS to step up to the plate and “denounce the #BlackLivesMatter movement!” Evans is the former vice-chairman and executive director of the Jefferson County Republican Party in […]

ALERT: Bernie Sanders Just Issued This Message To All Gun Owners… SPREAD THIS

Blaze and Spitfire AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Extreme gun restrictions should only be be applied to violent criminals. Law abiding citizens simply want to protect themselves and their families. We have had enough chatter of gun control from the garbage we have in office now. I would like you to meet the next gun grabbing […]

Sheriff David Clarke DESTROYS #BlackLivesMatter, Calls Them “Black Slime”… Here’s Who He Blames

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – All of us here at America’s Freedom Fighters are big fans of Judge Jeanine and Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke. They both speak their minds and don’t sugarcoat the issues at hand. The good Sheriff had a strong and heartfelt reaction to the brutal execution of Harris County, Texas Deputy Darren Goforth, […]

BOOM: Texas School Posts Controversial Gun Sign… Liberals Are FURIOUS

Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – Don’t mess with TEXAS! Especially at a small school in a remote part of West Texas. These school administrators have posted up signs that make perfect sense and can only result in saving lives! Perfect! The sign reads- “ATTENTION! Staff at this campus are armed and trained to meet threats […]

BOMBSHELL: Obama’s Pentagon Refuses To Target ISIS Training Camps… NO Airstrikes Allowed

No airstrikes against 60 camps producing 1,000 fighters monthly… Dean James III% AMERICA’S FREEDOM FIGHTERS – We all know Obama has no desire to defeat ISIS. They are all related to him in one way or another. And they have the same ideals. He has absolutely no interest in fighting terrorism. He is more interested in […]