Posts Tagged ‘freudian’

HUGE FREUDIAN SLIP! Biden refers to Trump as “a sitting president” on campaign trail (Video)

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Compilation: “Global Plandemic” And Other Freudian Slips About Vaccines and Public Health

Politicians and health officials around the world have accidentally told the truth about the nature of COVID and the deadly vaxx campaign. Share now! Source Views: 0

Two more Freudian slips? “[Vaccines] can still kill you even if you’re under the age of 27” – “Millions Have Died From The Vaccines” (The Whitehouse Press Sec. & Sen. Dick Durbin)

I rather wonder at all these so called ‘slips’ … are they merely laughing at us. There have been so many of these now, even from a vaccine ‘expert’ here in NZ. (She is on video on the news page, right column). Here are the links to these latest ones (be aware the twitter one […]

COMMENTARY: Freudian Fraud – Sex And Psychoanalysis

On his way to America in 1909, Sigmund Freud declared: “We are bringing them the plague.”[1] That plague was none other than psychoanalysis. Psychoanalysis, in its whole scope, is or was a system that sought to subvert classical psychology, which started with the Greeks and which was to a large extent based on reason. Psychology […]

Devious Dyke’s “Naked Mrs. Trump” Ad Backfires

Photo used in the Anti-Trump campaign. I put in a better high-res version here with overlay type (I freely admit I’m a horn dog), since the one used in the ad was too blurry.† Her anti-Trump ad is below the “continue reading” button. Hell, the lesbian probably picked out the shot for the same reasons I did. LOL. (INCOG) From NEW OBSERVER Devious dyke “republican strategist” Liz Mair seen here on lefty MSNBC cable […]

Turkey Given 24 Hours To Withdraw From Iraq

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