Posts Tagged ‘hubertus’

The MKUltra Genocide: Dr. Hubertus Strughold, Nazi Torture Scientist at Dachau Worked At UVM Conducting Torture Research For the Air Force & Murdered THOUSANDS-Records in This Book

by Admin · Published January 12, 2022 · Updated January 13, 2022 Page 225 of This Book Which the CIA and Dept. of Defense ARDENTLY want to cover up. Furthermore the Notorious Dr. Strughold is personally responsible for not only THOUSANDS of Deaths in Nazi Germany But Thousands more Deaths HERE. Page 238 Mentions Hormone […]

Battle of the witless: Republican debate descends into avalanche of crass insults

     The final Republican presidential debate before primary voters in 11 states cast their ballots on Super Tuesday dissolved into an unseemly brawl in which candidates competed with each other to be the loudest and sling the most insults at each other. With an avalanche of putdowns, zingers and crass insults, Senators Ted Cruz and […]

Herbert Smagon: Witness of the German Tragedy in the 20th Century

Most of us have seen these images many times before but failed to spot the author. This is not surprising at all. The information available on the internet about Herbert Smagon to be found in English is very sketchy, though it can be found in other different European languages, like German and Italian, also in […]