Posts Tagged ‘humanitys’

This Woman Captures Her Pregnancy Through A Series Of Adorable Drawings (Heartwarming)

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Plants Are Smarter Than You Think

19th May 2016 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Guest Writer for Wake Up World Plants are not simple bystanders in the environment, soaking up sun and otherwise engaging in a passive existence. They’re actually active communicators and engage in a complex relationship with their environment. Not only do plants communicate with each other but they also take steps […]

What if Cannabis and Hemp Had Never Been Prohibited?

Ethan Indigo Smith, ContributorWaking Times The history of marijuana and hemp prohibition is a dark and shady story with all the makings of a diabolical thriller. In a dystopian world, shady oligarchs institute prohibition in order to benefit their institutions in the short-term, leading to the inception of a police state in which sustainable agriculture […]

Multiculturalism Will Fail

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Where is Your Soul on the Path of Spiritual Evolution?

6th January 2016 By Frank M. Wanderer Ph.D Guest Writer for Wake Up World There are three transformational processes within the evolution of the Consciousness. These are, in fact, three levels of development. At these different levels of development the state and functions of the Counsciousness show entirely different signs. If we are aware of these […]

This Project is Being Compared To The Pyramids & The Great Wall of China

Do you think this development should be compared to the Great Wall of China or the Great Pyramids of Giza? There are plenty of good reasons to be concerned about the health of the environment here on planet earth, however, if you watch the global debate on this, you’ll notice that certain critical items are missing […]

A plethora of images from live-bearing brittle stars allows a 3-D look inside these unique starfish relatives

The 5.4 μm isotropic 197 voxel size scan of a brittle star species, Ampiura capensis, reveals calcified skeleton components (intensely bright areas), the juveniles developing inside (note also indicator for juvenile disk and arm), and soft tissues such as the bursal wall. Credit: From Landschoff J, Du Plessis A, Griffiths CL. 2015a. A dataset describing […]

Washington Post columnist admits to spreading GMO propaganda while collecting ‘plenty’ of money from biotech front groups

(NaturalNews) Readers of Natural News know that most mainstream, legacy newspapers pretty much parrot the corporate line on everything from finances to banking to industry and food, especially genetically modified food. As noted in a recent TruthWiki entry, one reporter who regularly shills for GMOs and profits from it is Tamar Haspel of […]

Washington Post columnist admits to spreading GMO propaganda while collecting ‘plenty’ of money from biotech front groups

(NaturalNews) Readers of Natural News know that most mainstream, legacy newspapers pretty much parrot the corporate line on everything from finances to banking to industry and food, especially genetically modified food. As noted in a recent TruthWiki entry, one reporter who regularly shills for GMOs and profits from it is Tamar Haspel of […]