Posts Tagged ‘hyper’

These Canadians will NOT let their town turn into a hyper-high-tech concentration camp

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Dr. McCullough Echoes Andy Wakefield: Hyper Vaccination “Looks Like It’s Pretty Clearly Related to Autism”

“When I was a child, the rate of autism was one in 10,000,” denoted Peter McCullough. “Now that rate today, the CDC says, is an emergency. It’s 1 in 36. It’s an epidemic.” Dr. McCullough referred to a paper by Gayle DeLong, which analyzed data from 2001 to 2007. “It was clear once the vaccines […]

How The World Went From Post-Politics To Hyper-Politics

Above Photo: Anti-vaccine protests in London in the summer of 2021. AP / Getty Images. In the years before the 2008 crash, technocrats ensured political debate was relegated to the sidelines. Today, politics is everywhere – but it hasn’t returned in the way many might have hoped. Halfway through her autobiography The Years, French novelist Annie […]

Study Reveals Extensive Hyper-Violence in Japan’s Ancient Yayoi Period

A new archaeological study in Japan, published in the August issue of Journal of Archaeological Science , has produced evidence supporting the idea that population growth can lead to an increase in warfare and other forms of violence. Academics who study the history of human warfare have identified population pressures as one root cause of […]

Cardiologist warns about covid vaccine fraud and hyper-inflammatory immune responses caused by the shots

Cardiologist warns about covid vaccine fraud and hyper-inflammatory immune responses caused by the shots / Lance D Johnson (Natural News) An expert physicist-nuclear cardiologist appeared on a recent episode of Pandemic War Roomto warn the public about the dangers of the experimental covid vaccines and to discuss the fundamental fraud that was used to […]

French Jews, political leaders mark 6 years since Hyper Cacher killings

Over a million people are estimated to have marched in Paris alone. Source Views: 0

Remembrances of Hyper Cacher Victims Begin, Ahead of Sixth Anniversary of Terror Attack

Shoppers enter the Hyper Cacher in the 20th arrondissement of Paris, Jan. 7, 2019. Photo: Stephen Caillet / Reuters. Six years after the tragic events, commemorations began Thursday to the victims of the 2015 Islamist attacks in Paris against the Charlie Hebdo magazine, on Jan. 7, and the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket two days later. […]

The Hyper-realistic Scandinavian Art of Carl Sundt-Hansen

As I read Sundt-Hansen’s biography I keep on wondering how an artist of such magnitude had to go through the financial troubles that he endured in his career to the point of him seemingly dying totally bankrupt and with cancer at the age of 66, after having spent his final days in some neck of […]

Arab social media hyper-critical of normalization with Israel, ministry says

An overwhelming majority of social media posts in the Arab world about Israel’s recent normalization agreements with the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain were negative, an Israeli government report published on Sunday found. According to the nine-page report, based on a survey commissioned by the Strategic Affairs Ministry, 81 percent of Arab social media users […]

Jewish Billionaire Donates $180M In Hyper-Inflated Kodak Stock To ‘Synagogue’ Where He Serves As President

This is the story of how Jewish billionaire, George Karfunkel, who sits on the board of directors of Kodak, is alleged to have used his inside knowledge of the stock pricing and trading to donate $180 million in over-valued stock to an obscure and recently-founded ‘synagogue’ in Brooklyn of which he just so happens to […]

What Mystics, Prophets and Ancient Cultures Revealed About Hyper-Dimensional Entities

November 12th, 2017 By Makia Freeman Contributing writer for Wake Up World Hyper-dimensional entities have been recognized, discussed and warned about for literally millennia, throughout the history of humanity. Naturally, there are many people who scoff at the very idea of such beings, believing them to be fictitious inv entions of the human mind. However, the fact that so […]

What Mystics & Prophets Have Revealed About Hyper-Dimensional Entities

Makia Freeman, ContributorWaking Times Hyper-dimensional entities have been recognized, discussed and warned about for literally millennia throughout the history of humanity. Naturally, there are many people who scoff at the very idea of such beings, believing them to be fictitious inventions of the human mind. However, the fact that so many cultures, traditions, religions and […]

The Rise of Hyper-Realistic Sex Robots and the End of Humanity

Phillip Schneider, Staff WriterWaking Times It is becoming apparent that technology is beginning to replace humans in the work force. This alone is on the verge of creating some of the most difficult problems that our society has been faced with over the past century, but what might be even more troubling is the rise […]

Imam at Virginia Mosque: ‘Partial’ FGM Helps Prevent ‘Hyper-Sexuality’ in Women

Imam at Virginia Mosque: ‘Partial’ FGM Helps Prevent ‘Hyper-Sexuality’ in Women Breitbart June 7, 2017 WASHINGTON, DC An imam at the Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, has reportedly stated in a video posted to the mosques YouTube account that he believes Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) prevents hyper-sexuality in women and endorsed the cutting […]

Hyper-Normalising Lavrov: The Russian Foreign Minister in the White House

The Kremlin would have been thrilled with the happy snaps, but these were, in the end, purely that. History is an assemblage of misguided images and false assumptions. The pictures of the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact of 1939 remain rank, but brilliant for what modern gibberish-driven commentary terms poor optics. A pact featuring the signatures of Nazi […]