Posts Tagged ‘id2020’

The SAVE Act, REAL ID & ID2020 – Using The #TwoPartyIllusion & The Election To Usher In Digital IDs

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/9/24). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020?

Beware of the QR Code, Remember Agenda ID2020? By Peter Koenig Global Research, March 14, 2023 Follow us on Instagram and Twitter and subscribe to our Telegram Channel. Feel free to repost and share widely Global Research articles. First published on February 4, 2022 Peter Koenig with foresight predicted what is happening worldwide *** Introduction Remember Bill Gates’ initiative, Agenda ID2020? What […]

The Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic: The Real Danger is “Agenda ID2020”

Counter Information What is the infamous ID2020? It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies and civil society. It’s an electronic ID program that uses generalized vaccination as a platform for digital identity. By Peter Koenig Global Research, October 08, 2020Global Research 12 March 2020 With foresight, this article by Peter Koenig was first […]

“Charity” Accused of Sex Abuse Coordinating ID2020’s Pilot Program For Refugee Newborns

iRespond, an international non-profit organization that is “dedicated to using biometrics to improve lives through digital identity,” has begun piloting a new biometric program for newborns among the predominately Karen refugee population along the Myanmar-Thailand border, a program it soon hopes to “quickly deploy” at a greater scale and make available to the general global population. The […]

Microsoft Not Only Funds ID2020 But They Also Filed A Patent For A Device Connected To The Human Body For Buying and Selling Cryptocurrency

I don’t think anything else needs to be said. Do your own research and draw your own conclusions. What are the chances a device on the body that is used for digital translations would have a patent number 060606? Also, Microsoft patented this on March 26th of this year. The full patent id is WO/2020/060606. […]