Posts Tagged ‘idiotic’

Idiotic EU wants to Ban Internet ENCRYPTION! That means your Bank will be Hacked Easily

No encryption, no safety…. imagine doing everything online without any encryption. This is going to become a hacker’s paradise. Everything you owe will be stolen, your money, identity, everything. Hackers are all rubbing their hands at the sight of such dumb news. EU people who are pushing such low-IQ ideas should be sent to work […]


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Two Idiotic Jewish Stories – More Proof the Entire Bible is Worthless

How can any person in their right mind swallow idiotic jewish bible stories like this, and insist it is all the “Gospel Truth” without feeling the whole thing as a base insult to their intelligence? Source Views: 0

Judge in Chauvin Case SLAMS Maxine Waters: ‘Your Idiotic Words Disrespect our Laws’

Judge Peter Cahill, who is presiding over the murder trial of Derek Chauvin, slammed Rep. Maxine Waters for disrespecting the rule of law after she attempted to incite a riot. “This goes back to what I’ve been saying from the beginning,” Judge Cahill said. You can unsubscribe any time. By subscribing you agree to our […]

Trump-Pompeo’s Twelve “Idiotic-Insulting” Demands Upon Iran

We demand from Iran: First, Iran must declare to the IAEA a full account of the prior military dimensions of its nuclear program, and permanently and verifiably abandon such work in perpetuity. [Israel and the U.S. get to keep our nukes but Iran must not keep theirs, and must instead do what these two rabidly […]

Eating clean, unprocessed foods is now a dangerous "cult," declares idiotic mainstream media (with a little help from the dirty diary industry)

(Natural News) As more people are turning their back to dairy and other processed foods, the National Osteoporosis Society, subsidized by the milk industry, has now declared clean eating to be a dangerous “cult” and “ticking time bomb” that could leave young people with weak bones. For decades, the milk industry has made us believe […]

How doctors use vitamin C against lead poisoning

We hear about the hazards of lead. We know that lead poisoning can cause severe mental retardation. Lead has been clearly linked with Alzheimer’s disease. We have been told to avoid lead in our homes and in our water, and to clean up lead pollution of our environment. But we have not been told how […]

Idiotic Marxists, Communists & Socialists Are Discrediting ‘Occupy Wall Street’

Prison Friday, October 7, 2011 Watch the two videos below. In the first, Occupy Sacremento protesters are unable to even say why they are protesting. The only one able to talk does so to point out that he is a Marxist/Communist. In the second video, a thug from SEIU (an Obama-supporting Union), stalks Breitbart […]