Posts Tagged ‘illogic’


Lawrence Davidson is professor of history emeritus at West Chester University in Pennsylvania. He has been publishing his analyses of topics in U.S. domestic and foreign policy, international and humanitarian law and Israel/Zionist practices and policies since 2010 by Lawrence Davidson Part I—Stale Foreign Policy Almost everyone in the West who is not a fan […]

Time to Rein in OSPRI over Bovine TB Illogic

by John Veysey of CoromandelAt present there are eighteen bovine TB-infected herds in Hawkes Bay. Ospri has found a TB-infected pig on private land. The infected pig was taken from the 12,000 ha of Tataraakina C trust land.  Ospri tells farmers that this find “confirms that the spread of TB in Hawkes Bay is coming […]

The Same Communist Illogic Governs both the Multiculturalist Suicide Cult and the Putin Suicide Cult

Christopher Jon Bjerknes It is a testament to the effectiveness of communist brainwashing that many of the very same people who decry the illogic of multiculturalism embrace it in the form of Putinism. They believe they are intellectually superior to the multiculturalists, just as the multiculturalists believe they are intellectually superior to the White Nationalists […]