Posts Tagged ‘koreas’

SUNDAY SCREENING: The Two Koreas – ‘The Imposed Divide’ (2018)

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Two Koreas Agree to End War This Year, Pursue Denuclearization

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in agreed Friday to finally end a seven-decade war this year, and pursue the “complete denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula. U.S. President Donald Trump hailed the move, declaring “KOREAN WAR TO END!” on Twitter. He’s agreed to meet with Kim […]

If the Leaders of the Two Koreas Can Meet, Why Can’t Those of Saudi Arabia and Iran?

The remarkable face to face meeting of the leaders of North and South Korea is being watched with hope by many observers, given the long decades of enmity between the two and the recent nuclear sabre-rattling of President Trump. At least in my circles, I see virtually no one condemning the meeting, though many are […]

Koreas Reach Agreement On Peace and Prosperity

Koreas Reach Agreement On Peace and Prosperity Below is the official declaration reached at the Inter-Korean summit yesterday. The agreement puts forth far-reaching goals on critical fronts. Below are key quotations from the text: there will be no more war on the Korean Peninsula and thus a new era of peace has begun bring a swift […]

The Two Koreas Talk: On The Path To Peace

Upon their return to Seoul, the South Korean delegation gave an announcement to the press that summarized the result of the meeting. According to this announcement, the North and South made a major breakthrough in the inter-Korean talks by agreeing to hold a summit as soon as late April of this year. The following is […]

Koreas to march under ‘united’ flag in Olympic Games after first high level talks in two years

     North and South Korea have agreed to march together under a single “unified Korea” flag at next month’s Winter Olympics in the South. They also agreed to field a joint women’s ice hockey team in rare talks at the truce village of Panmunjom. These are the first high-level talks between the countries in more […]

War between 2 Koreas is highly possible, new S. Korean president warns

“The reality is that there is a high possibility of a military conflict at the NLL [Northern Limit Line] and military demarcation line,” Moon was quoted as saying by Reuters, adding that Seoul is capable of striking back in case of attack.  The disputed NLL lies in the Yellow Sea the between South and North […]

Support for Iranian mobile messaging apps

The Iranian government has announced a new measure to support the production of indigenous mobile messaging applications in the face of tough competition from foreign counterparts. Due to the popularity of instant mobile messaging, localizing the technology has always been one of the main concerns of the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology that consider […]

The Rise of Cyber Stalking and Online Harassment

David Gardner, GuestWaking Times Online harassment is a problem of epidemic proportions that is increasing around the world at an alarming rate. Frequently cloaked in anonymity and with an air of moral righteousness, online trolls and cyberstalkers reveal the worst side of human nature in their efforts to attack and suppress the […]

FLASHBACK: Bully Alan Dershowitz protected serial child molester Jeffery Epstein from his under-age accusers

     Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz always felt children were fair game for Israeli missiles. Now the question is whether he thinks they are fair game for the sexual exploits of his powerful associates and himself. Dershowitz and the UK’s Prince Andrew were accused in a recent court filing of raping a teenage girl who […]

Colombian Air Force to Strike “Non-Existent” Neo-Paramilitaries

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : The Colombian government announced that it would launch air raids against criminal gangs involved in drug trafficking and illegal mining. The decision to use the Air Force against “criminals” comes after a row between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP that almost ground the peace talks in Cuba to a halt. The FARC-EP […]

Eva Bartlett: "Moderate" terrorist bombs dropped on hospital in Aleppo

     Last week I shared the update of my Syrian friend, then in Aleppo, who began with the words, “Aleppo is burning”. Anti-Syria propagandists have attempted to hijack those words for their White Helmet, blame-Assad propaganda [Update: Vanessa Beeley at 21st Century Wire: “#AleppoIsBurning Campaign Created by US and NATO to Facilitate a “No Bomb […]

Burger King Employees Smash Restaurant’s Windows to Prevent Explosion

Prank call causes Burger King employees to vandalize restaurant by smashing windows. Employees of a Burger King fast food restaurant in Coon Rapids, Minnesota, smashed windows of the restaurant in an effort to keep the building from blowing up. About 20 windows were smashed out. On Friday, April 8, 2016, the […]

Study Finds Alien DNA In Human Genome

A new study published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveals that eight percent of human DNA is of alien origin.  Scientists say that these non-human, viral fragments hide within our genomes, and reveal that we are a lot less “human like” than previously thought. reports: Nineteen new pieces of ancient viral DNA […]

Are Black South Carolina Voters Feeling the Bern?

Bernie Sanders is attempting to attract young, black voters in South Carolina. In a January South Carolina poll, Hillary Clinton led rival Bernie Sanders 64%-27% among likely Democratic primary voters. Clinton’s advantage was largely due to the fact that 74% of the black voters polled favored her compared to 17% favoring […]

Are Black South Carolina Voters Feeling the Bern?

Bernie Sanders is attempting to attract young, black voters in South Carolina. In a January South Carolina poll, Hillary Clinton led rival Bernie Sanders 64%-27% among likely Democratic primary voters. Clinton’s advantage was largely due to the fact that 74% of the black voters polled favored her compared to 17% favoring […]

Are Black South Carolina Voters Feeling the Bern?

Bernie Sanders is attempting to attract young, black voters in South Carolina. In a January South Carolina poll, Hillary Clinton led rival Bernie Sanders 64%-27% among likely Democratic primary voters. Clinton’s advantage was largely due to the fact that 74% of the black voters polled favored her compared to 17% favoring […]

Two British Ghost Ships Sail To Japan To Pick Up Plutonium

Two British ‘ghost ships’ are on their way to Japan to collect enough plutonium for 80 nuclear warheads. It is reported that the vessels are guarded against terrorists by commandos and and armed with 20mm cannons They ships are also being shadowed by a Royal Navy submarine. The two huge container ships, the Pacific Heron and […]

Beyond Lagarde: there’s more to the IMF than who the leader is

Matthias Kranke (TC) : Christine Lagarde, managing director of the International Monetary Fund and a former French finance minister, faces trial for accusations of negligence. But that has not undermined her recent declaration of her candidacy for a second term, which representatives of some of the IMF’s major member countries swiftly endorsed. The importance of the […]

The 21st Century: An Era Of Fraud. “Anyone who still Believes in the Purity of US Foreign Policy is a Lost Soul”

In the last years of the 20th century fraud entered US foreign policy in a new way.  On false pretenses Washington dismantled Yugoslavia and Serbia in order to advance an undeclared agenda.  In the 21st century this fraud multiplied many times. Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, and Libya were destroyed, and Iran and Syria would also have […]