Posts Tagged ‘lane’

Soap, Lampshades, and Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms?

The Jewish “Gas Chambers Disguised as Shower Rooms” claim relies on the same kind of rumors, hearsay, and lies as previously debunked claims of soap and lampshades made out of the bodies of concentration camp inmates. Even today Jewish “survivors” talk about using soap made out of Jewish fat, or being selected to have their […]

The Mockery That Media Has Become

It wasn’t always like this. Newspapers were once omnipotent. Until recently media columnists were more powerful than Congress or Parliament. The term columnist has its origins in Saint Simeon Stylites of Aleppo in Syria. During the 5th Century, the orator harangued the populace from the steps of his column. Newspaper columnists were once a […]

Dr. Duke and Sinead McCarthy talk about the threats to whites and the hope on the horizon

Dr. Duke and Sinead McCarthy talk about the threats to whites and the hope on the horizon Dr. Duke started the show by reading from the memoirs of an Israeli who recounted his upbringing in Israel, including the disdain with which they viewed Christianity and all non-Jews. He then brought on musician and activist Sinead […]

You’ve Been Trumped: How Donald Trump Screwed The Scottish Folk

A 2012 documentary about how a group of proud Scottish homeowners take on celebrity tycoon Donald Trump as he buys up one of Scotland’s last wilderness areas to build a golf resort. Source Article from Views: 0

Incendiary Radio: Kyle Hunt – Trump, Truth, Terror, & Talmudism Download link Robert Reyvolt and Kyle Hunt discuss Trump’s appearance on the Alex Jones show, the jewish orchestration of terror against Europeans and Muslims alike, the Talmudic endgame, the San Bernardino shooting, and more. Source Article from Views: 0

Are We Winning?

by Dr. William Pierce (1975) People often ask me, “Are we making any progress? Are we winning? Can you see victory ahead” I answer thus: “Yes, we are making progress, but not enough. The Enemy, despite a few setbacks he has suffered recently, is gaining ground faster than we are. Therefore, we cannot claim to […]

The Game ‘Battlefield 3’ Has a Terror Attack Happen in Paris on November 13th

Founder of WorldTruth.Tv and Eddie (5936 Posts) Eddie L. is the founder and owner of WorldTruth.TV. This website is dedicated to educating and informing people with articles on powerful and concealed information from around the world. I have spent the last 35 years researching Bible, History, Secret Societies, Symbolism and many other topics Source […]

Tales of Hans Christian Walsh

It was tough going for the Russian hunter as he made his way through the tundra. Suddenly, stopping in his tracks, he noticed a baleful bear staring at him. Instinctively, the hunter raised his rifle. As he was about to pull the trigger the bear called out; “Whoa, not so fast. Let’s talk this […]

Thought Crimes: Questioning Zionism, Communism, the Holocaust and the Founding of Israel

“Growing up in reunified Germany, Eva Meyer remembers being overwhelmed by the Holocaust studies that were part of each school year. Meyer and her classmates were assigned to read books about the Holocaust. They heard personal stories from Holocaust survivors. They had to write essays about the Holocaust, too. Learning so intensively about the […]

The Cosmological News Channel

Jon Rappoport, GuestWaking Times “People are fascinated by ancient cultures and the shamans and magicians who practice in mysterious ways. But along with this fascination, there is a kind of aversion to The New, as if it must be irrevocably tainted, as if nothing new and as yet uncreated could possibly […]

The Cosmological News Channel

Jon Rappoport, GuestWaking Times “People are fascinated by ancient cultures and the shamans and magicians who practice in mysterious ways. But along with this fascination, there is a kind of aversion to The New, as if it must be irrevocably tainted, as if nothing new and as yet uncreated could possibly […]

What Happens When An Unstoppable Force Meets An Immovable Object?

“Once there was a man of Ch`u selling shields and spears. In praising his shields he said, ‘My shields are so solid that nothing can penetrate them.’ Again, in praising his spears, he said, ‘My spears are so sharp that they can penetrate anything.’ In response to his words somebody asked, ‘How about using […]

Incendiary Radio: Kyle Hunt on the Deceptive Machinations of Jewish Power Download link Robert Reyvolt has Kyle Hunt on the show to discuss the use of deception to forward the jewish agenda to take away our first and second amendments, flood our country with non-Whites, and incite a race war against our people. We need to empower ourselves by getting out of the various […]

Woman found dead in Caulfield South lane

MELBOURNE police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the discovery of a body in Caulfield South early this morning. Emergency services were called to a back laneway near Glenhuntly Rd just after 4am (AEDT) where they found a woman’s body. It’s believed the woman, who was aged between 25 and 35, was found naked and bleeding in […]

Britain’s most lucrative camera: Bus lane snoop rakes in almost £20,000 a DAY in fines

  Martin RobinsonDaily Mail September 8, 2011 One of Britain’s most lucrative road traffic cameras has issued £600,000 of fines in less than a month, it has been revealed. Astonishingly 10,000 drivers have been caught using a bus lane in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, a number which equals around an eighth of the total population of […]