Posts Tagged ‘majeure’


by: Mike Adams (Natural News) A series of events has been set in motion that we believe will end in a “global Force Majeure” (act of God) among Western nations. If this analysis is correct, it means that many financial obligations — potentially including social security, US Treasury debt, pensions, derivatives, commodities paper contracts, industrial […]

FORCE MAJEURE: Massive global shutdowns are now under way for METALS SMELTING operations covering iron, copper, nickel, aluminum, zinc and STEEL

(Natural News) Without metals and industrial elements — steel, copper, aluminum, iron ore, nickel, zinc, titanium, etc. — human civilization cannot exist. Nearly all manufacturing is dependent on metals for industrial processes. Even plastics cannot be made without metals for the injection molding, and aluminum and copper are required for all electrical systems, both commercial […]

FORCE MAJEURE: Massive global shutdowns are now under way for METALS SMELTING operations covering iron, copper, nickel, aluminum, zinc and STEEL

(Natural News) Without metals and industrial elements — steel, copper, aluminum, iron ore, nickel, zinc, titanium, etc. — human civilization cannot exist. Nearly all manufacturing is dependent on metals for industrial processes. Even plastics cannot be made without metals for the injection molding, and aluminum and copper are required for all electrical systems, both commercial […]

FORCE MAJEURE: Massive global shutdowns are now under way for METALS SMELTING operations covering iron, copper, nickel, aluminum, zinc and STEEL

(Natural News) Without metals and industrial elements — steel, copper, aluminum, iron ore, nickel, zinc, titanium, etc. — human civilization cannot exist. Nearly all manufacturing is dependent on metals for industrial processes. Even plastics cannot be made without metals for the injection molding, and aluminum and copper are required for all electrical systems, both commercial […]

Politician Who Was a Force Majeure in Stopping Biden’s Illegal Vaxx Mandate

by Admin · Published November 20, 2021 · Updated November 20, 2021 [embedded content] Joe Biden Suffers Major Defeat. Gov’t Agency Refuses to Enforce His Order | DM CLIPS | Rubin Report Source Views: 0

Joe Biden Bows to Force Majeure

By Philip Giraldi If one were only limited to viewing or reading the US mainstream media the story of how President Joe Biden went down on his knees to honor two visiting Israelis would never have surfaced. Fortunately, the story did make considerable waves in both the Israeli and the alternative media, though not enough […]