Posts Tagged ‘makran’

Research explores Persian Gulf, Makran coastline

TEHRAN – The Research Institute of Cultural Heritage & Tourism has conducted a study to explore the archaeological capacities of the Persian Gulf and Makran coastline in southern Iran, the head of the institute, has said. Source Views: 0

National conference to discuss tourism in Makran

TEHRAN – The tourism capacities of the Makran coastal strip in southern Iran will be discussed during a national conference in Bandar Jask, Hormozgan province on February 28, CHTN reported on Wednesday.  Source Views: 0

Iran to hold conference on Makran coasts

Tasnim – Tehran will host a conference on development of Makran, a stretch of coast southeast of Iran emerging as a major naval base and commercial hub of maritime trade, the Iranian defense minister announced. Speaking to reporters on Saturday, Brigadier General Amir Hatami said the major conference on investment opportunities in Makran and sustainable […]

Alison Weir: Israel has long been a major threat to peace

Mohsen Abdelmoumen: Can we say that the United States is a sovereign State when we see the historical weight of the Zionist lobby on its policy decision? Alison Weir: Adherents of political Zionism have influenced U.S. policies for decades and have often played a central role in elections. Despite this, Americans will be able to […]