In light of our recently essay — Edom In The Old And New Testaments — we thought it would benefit the discussion to add a follow-up piece on the subject of Malachi 1– a passage often quoted by those who identify Edom as literal modern-day Jews. The passage in question is Malachi 1:1-5, 1 The pronouncement […]
Posts Tagged ‘malachi’
Malachi: Preparation For The Establishment Of Christ’s Kingdom On Earth

In Part 3 of our series on the end times prophet Malachi, Sheldon Emry completes his discussion of the return of Christ, the destruction of the enemies of Israel, and the establishment of his kingdom on earth — a complete refutation of the “Rapture” doctrine preached today by the majority of so-called “judeo-Christian” pastors and […]
Malachi: End Times Destruction Of Esau-Edom And Preservation Of Jacob-Israel

Part 1 of Sheldon Emry’s series on Malachi can be read here. Audio: God’s first words to the Israel people through the prophet Malachi are “I have loved you saith the Lord.” This is the most marvelous message on earth that any people could have — and that message is to Israel and […]
Malachi And The Treachery Of End Times Anti-Christ ‘Judeo-Christian’ Ministers

Here we present Sheldon Emry’s discussion of the prophet Malachi who foresaw how today’s End Times “Judeo-Christian” ministers would not only preach a false, unbiblical Jesus but also encourage Christians to worship and strengthen the anti-Christ Jews from virtually every pulpit in America: Sheldon Emry’s commentary: There is a God-given purpose for this prophet […]
INTERVIEW: Lucifer In The Vatican – Father Malachi Martin

Malachi Martin, a scholar, Vatican insider, and best-selling author, said, “Anybody who is acquainted with the state of affairs in the Vatican in the last 35 years is well aware that the prince of darkness has had and still has his surrogates in the court of St. Peter in Rome.” Jesuit priest Malachi […]