HIGH CRIMES: Deathbed Confession By Retired CIA Agent Malcom Howard ‘…We Blew Up WTC 7 On 9-11’ SM Source – bitchute.com “…Mr. Howard says that a serious study of who profited on the stock market from 9/11 would “tear the heart out of the oligarchy in America.” There is only one organization that spans the […]
Posts Tagged ‘malcom’
Deathbed Confession By Retired CIA Agent Malcom Howard ‘…We Blew Up WTC 7 On 9-11’

New Evidence Reveal FBI And NYPD Involvement In Assassination Of Malcom X

The new evidence is the letter written by an undercover police officer who was involved in this operation. The police officer named, Ray Wood, was on his deathbed when he confessed that it was a conspiracy by the NYPD and the FBI. Ray Wood has written his confession in a letter. As per the confession made […]