Posts Tagged ‘malevolence’

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A Horrifying Malevolence

Right-wing pastor Jack Hibbs is trying to pretend that the controversy over him delivering a prayer in the House of Representatives last month is being driven by people who are upset by the Christian content of his prayer. In reality, the controversy is over House Speaker Mike Johnson’s decision to invite Hibbs to deliver a […]

Godlike Power and Monster Malevolence: Mishipizheu of Lake Superior

In Gordon Lightfoot’s 1976 song  The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald , he figuratively blames the sinking of that ship on the “witch” of November. Folks more familiar with Ojibway mythology might, however, have pointed to Mishipizheu, one of the most important of the underground mythological creatures of the Northeastern and Midwestern North American tribes. […]

The absurd malevolence of the International Criminal Court

February 12, 2021 by Melanie Phillips – Read on for article It’s hard to exaggerate the hypocrisy, malice and sheer absurdity of the decision by the International Criminal Court last week that the Palestinians have the authority of a state to bring a case against Israelis for war crimes. Melanie Phillips The 60-page ruling […]