Posts Tagged ‘malvinas’

The Hidden Truths of Africa: Neocolonialism and the Modern Age of Slavery

8th May 2016 By Tim Bryant Guest writer for Wake Up World “The darkest thing about Africa has always been our ignorance of it.” – George Kimble Africa: A Forgotten Continent What does the world really know about Africa? In the West, if you were to turn on the T.V., you would be hard pressed to find […]

Thailand: US State Department Gives Award to US-Created/Funded Agitator

Agitator funded by US State Department, gets award from US State Department – or – how to make illegitimacy & foreign-funded subversion look legitimate. Tony Cartalucci (ATN) : Bangkok Post’s Achara Ashayagachat, herself praised by foreign interests for her service to them, has recently penned an article titled,  “Chiang Mai activist wins US ‘courage award’.” […]

The Dam Busters Epic Fail

One of the most successful instances of victor’s spin relates to the dam-busters raid of May 16/17, 1943. The allegedly daring incursion brought international acclaim to Royal Air Force (RAF) Wing Commander Guy Gibson and pilots of RAF 617 Squadron. These British and Canadian airmen were carefully selected to carry out a daring and innovative […]