Posts Tagged ‘mammalian’

Scientists discover mammalian blood molecule that attracts predators and repels prey

     Scientists have discovered a mammalian blood molecule, one whiff of which sends predatory animals into a frenzy but sends prey, including humans, running for the hills, hinting at our pre-predatory past. Never before have scientists seen the same molecule (E2D) have such opposing effects in creatures ranging from horse flies to humans, a fact […]

New York launches app to fight terror

Kakao Talk, a popular mobile messaging app in South Korea, must have annoyed its share of moviegoers. Source Article from Views: 0

White Horses Ride

White boots; en masse, form lines in the streets! A people embittered, enraged by deceit. This meeting of minds, enshrined in belief; Our nations will rise to vanquish, defeat. Fingers are pointed to those who anoint This falsehood of masters and slaves; Simulation of god, ideological fog Infects and riddles the brains Of monsters, […]

The $1500 chicken sandwich proves why most people will not survive a collapse

     A humorous video posted recently on YouTube is not only good for laughs, but also serves to illustrate the fact that self-reliant living is not as easy as some people might imagine. In the video, which has already amassed over two million views, a guy named Taylor Lewin successfully makes a chicken sandwich from […]