Posts Tagged ‘Manifestation’

The Freedom Cell Network presents The Greater Reset 5: Manifestation

14 dec 2023 Join us in Morelia, Mexico from January 17-21, 2024 as we create the better world we know is possible! Tune in online for FREE or attend in person to witness more than 40 presenters and performers ( sharing solutions in the areas of mental, physical, & spiritual health; Permaculture & Food Independence; […]

Satanism Promoted Shamelessly in the Mainstream (and the Reality of Manifestation)

This morning I shared an article discussing the latest drama/outrage regarding a mainstream musician promoting Satanic imagery. Every time I post/write about these types of issues – specifically, celebrities or musicians promoting this type of symbolism – there are two inevitable reactions: 1. Knee jerk responses which reject the idea that this imagery could be […]

The Role of Action in Manifestation

February 19th, 2018 By Jeff Street Guest writer for Wake Up World Many people misunderstand the role of action in creating the results they are getting in their lives. Those who are unaware that their reality is a construct and that it is dynamically generated from the essence of their own thoughts and beliefs (and more), generally […]

Mass Shootings: The New Manifestation of an Ancient Phenomenon & Their Link to Psychiatric Drugs

Next Story This article has been posted here with the permission of For ore information from then, you can sign up for their newsletter HERE.  You can find the author’s bio at the bottom of the article. Individuals perpetrating unspeakable acts of violence is not a new phenomenon. What’s new, rather, are the altered […]

10 Life-Changing Effects of Cosmic Awakening: Free Will, Manifestation and Universal Oneness

Keep rolling with the ebb and flow of cosmic recalibration friends. This transition to quantum is being kick started for many and really kicking in for others.  Expansion of consciousness, bonding with our bodies, spiritual awakening… it’s all happening. We are surfing waves of higher frequencies as they roll through and round us, and Gaia. […]

Basic Income Guarantee: A Surprisingly Cost-Effective Method for Eliminating Poverty

15th July 2016 By Carolanne Wright Contributing writer for Wake Up World Between 1974 and 1979, a radical experiment was taking place in a small Manitoba city that has all but been forgotten. Yet the result of the Canadian program is nothing short of astonishing: for those five years, poverty was utterly eradicated. The secret? Providing […]

Thousands of Doctors Protests Police Brutality in Egypt Despite Lower-Body Count Than America

Egyptian Doctors VIA AP As we have reported before, Egyptian police kill less citizens in their country than American police kill Americans. Related: Americans Killed by Police at Higher Rate than Egyptians Despite a lower body count than the United States, highly-educated Egyptian doctors have convened together to protests […]

Charges Dropped Against Officer Who Raped Multiple Animals

MOUNT MOLLY, NJ — A report has surfaced that is probably one of the most hideous cases of police misconduct we’ve heard about in quite some time. A journalist in contact with Counter Current News has reported that a police officer has been caught raping animals. The officer, Robert […]

Israeli forces kill Palestinian youth in Jenin

Days of Palestine, West Bank –Israeli occupation forces killed on Saturday morning 17-year old Palestinian near military checkpoint in West Bank city of Jenin. Palestinian medical sources said that the martyr is Mahmoud Nazzal, 17, from Qabatia Neighbourhood in the West Bank city of Jenin. Like our page on Facebook Follow us on Twitter Arabs from Palestinian […]

Volk Consciousness – Manifestation of Wotan

by Ron McVan Knowledge of oneself is the beginning of knowing the Infinite Essence which some call “God”. Everything has its origin and being in spirit, ‘the seed of all seeds’. Everything in the world is a manifestation of spirit. There is nothing in the world which is not infinite, everlasting spirit. Hence, it […]