Posts Tagged ‘manspreading’

LA Metro begins fining men for "manspreading" sitting posture… the war on men achieves new insanity

(Natural News) Those looking to ride the Metro in the Los Angeles area are now required to abide by a new set of “Metro Manners,” and some are definitely sillier than others. Doing things like eating or drinking, playing loud music, placing chewing gum underneath the seats, disturbing others, and even “manspreading” will now get […]

Madrid: Feminist campaign leads to ‘manspreading’ ban on public transport

     The Spanish capital’s state-owned public transport company, EMT Madrid, has introduced a new manspreading sign which forbids men from spreading their legs too wide while sitting on buses it operates. “The mission of this new icon is to remember the need to maintain civic behavior and to respect the space of everyone on board […]