Jews want you to know that the Queen is poor by reporting the funds in her public bank account.. what about her offshore secret bank accounts… I want full disclosure on them. Karen Hudes “world bank” attorney and whistle blower has disclosed openly that 100% of our tax goes straight to the Queen, bankers in […]
Posts Tagged ‘Margaret Hodge’
Jewish propaganda shows Queen down to her last million

Apologists for paedophiles: How Labour Deputy Harriet Harman, her shadow minister husband and former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt were all linked to a group lobbying for the right to have sex with children

At first sight, it might be a harmless parish magazine or the newsletter of a respectable society of bird-watching enthusiasts.Called The Magpie, the now-yellowing A5-size pamphlet was distributed in the late Seventies to members of an organisation called the PIE. The inside cover carries a workmanlike ‘editor’s letter’ highlighting ‘our third annual AGM, which is […]