CBS News anchor Margaret Brennan on Sunday pressed Palestinian Ambassador to the U.K. Husam Zomlot over not condemning the militant group Hamas and its Oct. 7 attacks against Israel, in response to which Zomlot instead called for the U.S. to “be the peacemaker” and recognize the Palestinian state. In an interview on CBS News’s “Face… […]
Posts Tagged ‘Margaret’
Margaret Brennan presses Palestinian ambassador over not condemning Hamas

Henry VIII’s gruesome execution of Margaret Pole (Video)

Amid the tumultuous reign of Henry VIII, the tragic narrative of Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury, unfolds. Descendant of the Plantagenet lineage, her life interwove with the religious turmoil of the 1530s. Read more Section: News Videos History Ancient Traditions Famous People Read Later Source Views: 0
Statue of Margaret Thatcher Vandalised Again Only Weeks After Unveiling

A newly erected statue of former UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher has been vandalised again, not even a month after it was first put up. Views: 0
DECLASSIFIED UK: Margaret Thatcher’s support for Afghan jihadists covered up by UK censors

Thatcher’s Downing Street dossier on “Aid to the Afghanistan resistance movement” is being retained by Whitehall’s Cabinet Office despite becoming eligible for release to the National Archives under the 30-year rule. Thatcher’s team compiled the file from July 1981 to January 1990 during her time as prime minister when she oversaw a decade of covert British support […]
YCP – Death of Robert Steele, Plus Margaret MacDonald’s Vision

YAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE YCP – Death of Robert Steele, Plus Margaret MacDonald’s Vision Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Share this: Source Views: 0
Planned Parenthood Distances Themselves From Margaret Sanger By Continuing Her Legacy

Planned Parenthood Distances Themselves From Margaret Sanger By Continuing Her Legacy NEW YORK, NY—Planned Parenthood’s newest CEO Alexis McGill Johnson has recently made the decision to distance the organization from their racist, eugenicist founder Margaret Sanger. “At Planned Parenthood, we have made the bold decision to part ways from our evil, racist founder. We denounce her […]
Margaret Mead On Extraterrestrials: ‘They Are Simply Watching What We Are Up To’

What are there these mysterious objects that constantly cruise through our atmosphere performing maneuvers that no known man made piece of machinery can perform? Who are they? Many people have been asking this question for centuries. UFOs have been documented for what seems to be thousands of years. Interesting interpretations can be found in ancient […]
YCP – How Margaret MacDonald’s Vision Was Distorted into the Modern “Rapture” Theory

YCP – How Margaret MacDonald’s Vision Was Distorted into the Modern “Rapture” TheoryYAHWEH’S COVENANT PEOPLE Pastor Eli explains how Margaret MacDonald’s vision of the Great Tribulation and Second Coming was distorted and repackaged by phonies into the “Rapture Theory.” Views: 0
When Planned Parenthood erased Margaret Sanger’s name from their Manhattan Health Center . . they didn’t tell us why

[embedded content] corbettreport 502K subscribers SHOW NOTES AND MP3: Although the likes of Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Bill Gates are happy to sing its praises (or perhaps because they are), Planned Parenthood has a racist eugenicist past that it would prefer to sweep under the rug. The bigger problem for the organization, though, […]
Nolte: Planned Parenthood Quietly Aborts Annual ‘Margaret Sanger Award’

Abortion provider Planned Parenthood has quietly killed off its annual Margaret Sanger award, reports the National Catholic Registry. Sanger, the founder of the Planned Parenthood abortion mill, is not “problematic” because she once told an off-color joke or flew a Confederate flag. The woman was a monster, a vile racist and eugenicist who praised the […]
Saint Margaret’s Well: From Healing Pilgrimages to Alice in Wonderland

Saint Margaret’s Well is a sacred well outside the Church of Saint Margaret of Antioch in Binsey, a village in Oxfordshire, England. During the Medieval period, the church was a famous pilgrimage site, as its well was believed to possess miraculous healing powers. During the 17 th century, the well was destroyed, but was later […]
Fact Check: Progressive Hero Margaret Sanger Was a Racist Eugenicist

HomeRemedySupply says: August 2, 2020Yahoo changes its “comment policy” following the Bill Gates interview in order to “improve stopping misinformation”.— Comments are no longer offered under articles — Appearing 8/2, a re-run of…Article of July 31, 2020 by Korin MillerConspiracy theories around COVID-19 continue to spread.Experts weigh in on why people believe them. EXCERPTSWhen Texas […]
Going Underground – Was Margaret Thatcher Racist? w/ Lord Wright

Going Underground – Was Margaret Thatcher Racist? w/ Lord Wright Going Underground with Afshin We speak to Britain’s former head of the Diplomatic Service, Lord Wright about Thatchers racist ambitions in South Africa as she advocated a Whites only rule. LIKE Going Underground Going Underground Afshin Rattansi on Instagram… View […]
Thinking the Unthinkable: “Was Margaret Hassan Sacrificed” by the British Government?

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No room for NATO expansion in coming years – US envoy to alliance

Saying that the military bloc is facing an upheaval equal to the times during the last years of the Cold War, it is now time to put “a brake” on NATO expansion, Douglas Lute said Friday. “I think Russia plays an important part in the strategic environment and the strategic environment will put a brake […]
Unlawful Killing – Diana Princess of Wales and Dodi Fayed assassination by the Jews

Discussing this banned movie has resulted in Hostgator taking action against my blog. I had no option but to remove the original content. DMCA / EUCD NOTIFICATION 1. Rights Owner(s) : ALLIED STARS FILMS 2. Rights Agent : WEB SHERIFF 3. Infringed Rights : COPYRIGHT, TRADEMARK, PERFORMERS & MORAL RIGHTS 4. Infringed Artist(s) : N/A […]
Police swoop: Man, 51, charged over Margaret Bromley death

Image Video CHARGED: Police leave Curtin House with a man suspected of the murder of a Mandurah grandmother. Picture: Stewart Allen Source: PerthNow SHATTERED: Evelyn Dawe, the daughter of murder victim Helen Margaret Bromley, says her death has shattered the family. Picture: Kerris Berrington. Source: PerthNow Prev of 2 Next Police have charged a man […]
FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg pushing to eliminate conflict of interest laws, allow paid drug company shills to fill advisory positions

Ethan A. Huff,Natural News Aug 18, 2011 At a time when drug industry corruption is reaching a pinnacle of public exposure, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is actually proposing eliminating one of the few pseudo-effective measures in place that restricts the agency from becoming a full-blown Big Pharma “rubber stamp” consultant. In a […]