Posts Tagged ‘marginalization’

‘Reckoning’ With The Economic Marginalization Of Native Americans

Above Photo: National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Over the last two years, there has been much discussion of a national “reckoning” on race. There can be no complete reckoning without strong analysis and substantive action to address the economic marginalization of Native Americans in 21st century America. Through years of intentional governmental policies that took away their […]

Political Marginalization Drives Legal Conservatism among Indian Muslims

Amid the existential crises of Indian Muslims after Partition, the constitutional assurances given to the collective identity was vital in ameliorating the fears of the Muslim community. While individual freedoms are tenable while interpreting the constitution, recognition of the collective identity of the Muslim community by the way of State protection for colonial era Muslim […]

Familiar Pattern: The West’s Marginalization of Venezuela

EDITOR’S NOTE: Readers should also note that just a few months ago in May, a new US Senate Bill allotted a further $20 million in American taxpayer funds toward regime change in Venezuela. This only scratches the surface of a vast destabilization campaign being run out of Washington DC.  Image: US-backed opposition take aim at […]