Shanghai officials issued a notice late Wednesday, saying that they had launched a probe into whether Marriott International’s Mandarin-language questionnaire violated laws on adverting or national cybersecurity. “The regulator on cyberspace affairs and market supervision bureau in Huangpu [district of Shanghai] have noticed the incident of Marriott International listing China’s Tibet Autonomous Region as a […]
Posts Tagged ‘marriott’
Intelligence Chief Admits Israel Prefers ISIS Over Assad In Syria

Israel’s military intelligence chief, Major General Herzi Halevi has reiterated that Tel Aviv prefers the ISIS terrorist group over the “Iran-allied” government of Syrian President Assad. Halevi expressed his concern, in a speech at the Herzliya Conference, over the losses ISIS has suffered in the past three months, stressing that Tel Aviv does not want the Islamic […]
New National Assembly Starts With Trouble – Venezuela Headed For Crisis?

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc) : The swearing-in of new Venezuelan legislators in the 2016 – 2021 National Assembly on January 5, started with trouble as legislators of the defeated PSUV walked out in protest over a technicality. The incident predicts troubles in the Latin American country with heightened political tensions, the risk of violent confrontations and a situation that […]