Posts Tagged ‘martens’

VOCI – Romans 9:1-10, With Pastor David Martens

EURO FOLK RADIO VOCI – Romans 9:1-10, With Pastor David Martens Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 30 seconds Subscribe Share Eli and David explaiin how Paul is a Covenant Theologian, utterly opposed to universalism Share this: Source

Healthcare Is A Feminist Issue: An Interview With China Martens

INTERVIEW: CHINA MARTENS, REAL SUPER-MUM AND AUTHOR OF THE FUTURE GENERATION In a previous post, I wrote that “In order to see a transformational change to a caring society, as activists, we must first transform our relationships with one another”. Since the 1990s, China Martens has been one of the most influential and prolific writers when it […]