Posts Tagged ‘marxism’

CULTURAL MARXISM RUN AMOK! Five West Virginia Middle School Students Banned from Future Competitions for Refusing to Compete Against Transgender Athlete in Track Event

Five West Virginia Middle School Students Banned from Future Competitions for Refusing to Compete Against Transgender Athlete in Track Event Source Views: 0

Cultural Marxism and the corruption of common law

(NaturalNews) Peaceful and productive human societies depend on the maintenance of judicial principles that are consistent and impartial.(Article by William… Source Views: 0

Here’s how the Khazarian Cabal is using methodically Cultural Marxism to irreparably tear the fabric of American society.

READ HERE: Pardon Issued For Dad Who “Exploded With Rage” Over Daughter’s Transgender Bathroom Rape, School Coverup   Source Views: 0

Yoram Hazony: Christians Must Use Old Testament to Defeat ‘Woke Neo-Marxism’

Yoram Hazony, president of Israel’s Herzl Institute and a major philosophical proponent of the “national conservatism” movement, says that Christians need to rediscover, and weaponize, the Old Testament. Hazony delivered that advice while speaking at the Western Conservative Summit in Source Views: 0

Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America (2010)

21 may 2023—The-Corruption-of-America:83 Keep in mind at all times that Fascism and National Socialism are not the same ideology philosophy or practice. And that Marxian socialism has absolutely nothing in common with German national socialism. _______________________________ The Time for Silence is Over A unified pushback against the globalist agenda It’s finally here, the Global […]

Adolf Hitler on Judeo-Cultural Marxism

Hitler on the incredibly toxic and contaminating societal effects of jews deceptively imposing cultural marxism.  Adolf Hitler on Cultural Marxism (3:37) School During the Third Reich (15:29) Share now! Source Views: 0

Only Trudeau’s Brazen Brand of Canadian Cultural Marxism Would Ever Permit This Outrageous Travesty

Teacher Who Wore Massive Prosthetic Breasts To School Is FINALLY Put On Leave: “This should have happened 6 months ago!” Source Views: 0

Jewish Marxism: The Modern Poisonous Brew

Suffice it here to say that Marxism is a jewish creation, designed to undermine and disintegrate the White Man’s society, to tear it asunder, and lay it wide open like a dead carcass for the parasitic jew to feast upon. Source Views: 1

Marxism: “You Will Own NOTHING and Be Happy”

In response to Globalist Marxism, it is time to develop parallel economies Robert W Malone MD, MS july 2 2022 A friend just told me that Linked-in suspended him for posting my Monkeypox Substack article.  Others have written to me that basically anything I write will get someone banned from Linked-in just for re-posting – including the […]


What is true and what is propaganda? Ceaușescu, the former communist leader of Romania, ‘owned 15 palaces, including one complete with gold bathroom fixtures, silk carpets, and a garden with peacocks. ‘He owned multiple yachts, and the Guinness Book of Historical Blunders records him as having provided his pet dog, Corbu, with its own motorcade.’ […]

E.W. Jackson Tells Religious-Right Activists They Will Defeat Marxism, Homosexuality, and Other ‘Works of the Devil’

E.W. Jackson, a right-wing pastor who was the Republican Party’s nominee for Virginia lieutenant governor in 2013, told religious-right activists at the Family Research Council’s “Pray Vote Stand” conference Thursday that Marxism, socialism, “transgenderism,” homosexuality, and abortion are works of the devil, and that “God wants to intervene in the rotten here and now and […]

Top Official Admits Critical Race Theory Is To Build the ‘Church of Marxism’

The left is no longer trying to hide their Marxist agenda for Critical Race Theory or their plan to destroy America as we know it. “The Marxist foundation of Critical Race Theory is at base a spiritual concern. If you read Marx you know he was concerned with alienation. Specifically alienation of the species being. […]

Space Force Officer’s Book on Marxism in the Military Reaches No. 1 on Amazon After He’s Relieved

A U.S. Space Force officer’s self-published book positing that Marxist ideology and Critical Race Theory is being spread throughout the military reached the top of Amazon’s bestseller list on Sunday after it was learned that he was relieved of his command. “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military” by Lt. […]

Soros, ‘cultural Marxism’ and QAnon: How the GOP is energizing and entrenching antisemitism in America

News and Partnerships Life and Culture Columnists and Opinion Haaretz Heb and TheMarker, the online English edition of Haaretz Newspaper in Israel, gives you breaking news, analyses and opinions about Israel, the Middle East and the Jewish World. © Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd. All Rights Reserved Source Views: 0

Marxism and Black Lives Matter Funded by George Soros (Of Zionist Mafia)

Why is political thuggery OK in Democrat-run cities? BY COL. ROB MANESS12 NOVEMBER, 2020 / 10:06CST New Orleans community leader and businesswoman Juliet Laughlin, a member of Orleans Parish Republican Executive Committee (OPREC), is being subjected to political attacks and an attempt to force her resignation from her appointed position on the French Quarter Management District […]

Cultural Marxism, Critical Race Theory and the Destruction of American Society

You may have heard the terms “Cultural Marxism,” “Critical Theory” or “Frankfurt School” bandied about. And while you might have an intuitive approximation of what these terms mean for America in the 21st century, there’s a good chance that you don’t know much about the deep theory, where the ideology comes from, and what it has planned for America – and the world. […]

Cultural Marxism and the NZ Sex Education Curriculum

Sto Vounó Critical Theory is a play on semantics. The theory was simple: criticize every pillar of Western culture—family, democracy, common law, freedom of speech, and others. The hope was that these pillars would crumble under the pressure (Zero Hedge, ‘The Birth of Cultural Marxism’). Through all of human history societies have protected children.   […]

Marxism at Literary Agencies

Literary agencies house the agents, and the agents hold the keys to your literary career. Not all wish to self-publish and so you must send manuscripts of all varieties to the literary agent gatekeepers. Only if the agent likes your work, or rather, if they like you, will they send your novel or cookbook or […]

The New Wave of American Marxism

It is no secret that the United States has erupted into chaos during the beginning of this decade. The result of a global pandemic and widespread riots is a nation unsatisfied and turbulent. Most of this civil unrest was born after the death of convicted criminal George Floyd by the supposed hands – or, knee, […]

Jonathan Bowden: New-Left Marxism and The Frankfurt School

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