Posts Tagged ‘masculinity’

Where’s Toxic Masculinity Now That We Need It?

Feminism, promiscuity, porn, and homosexuality emasculated men and ensured they had nothing — wives and families — worth fighting for.  And that’s why we find ourselves helplessly watching while our countries are transformed into communist shitholes. Society has been deliberately subverted by satanic Jewish central bankers and their Masonic flunkees, our “leaders.” These are the same people […]

‘Second Gentleman’ Doug Emhoff Speaks Out Against ‘Toxic Masculinity’

During an interview with MSNBC, Vice President Kamala Harris’s husband Doug Emhoff spoke out against ‘toxic masculinity’ and the expectation that men have to be “tough”. “Can we just talk about masculinity for a moment? Has being second gentleman changed your view of perceived gender roles and what it means to be a man?” Emhoff […]

What Happened to Masculinity?

Masculinity ain’t what it used to be. Please share this video! SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow on Twitter: Follow @PrisonPlanet ——————————————————————————————————————— Brand new merch now available! Get it at ALERT! In the age of mass Silicon Valley censorship It is crucial that we stay in touch. I need you to sign up for my […]

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: An Attack on Masculinity

 ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY 12/31!  For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. As their influence grows, our work becomes even more important – as does your support. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. 3X-MATCH my donation of:  ALL GIFTS 3X-MATCHED BY […]

Gucci Introduces ‘Mx’ Clothing Section ‘Presenting Masculinity and Femininity as Relative Concepts’

The Italian fashion label Gucci has rolled out a genderless clothing section on its website, called the politically correct “Gucci Mx,” which aims to “deconstruct preconceived binaries” with handbags, shoes, blouses, dress-like tunics, sweaters and other pieces that can be worn by either sex. “The House’s collections emphasize the dissolving lines of the gender divide in […]

Toxic masculinity: A valid concept?

On the dangers of pathologizing manhood      The two fundamental objectives in the evolutionary game of life are to first survive (natural selection) and then to mate (sexual selection). For sexually reproducing species including humans, evolution has endowed males and females with universal mating preferences that map onto sex-specific recurring challenges faced by each sex […]

The New Masculinity: Integrating the Feminine – An Interview With An Ex-Pro Athlete

Next Story Lewis Howes is an ex-professional football player turned personal development expert. He has a New York Times best-selling book called The School of Greatness, which outlines the greatest lessons he learned as the creator of his incredible podcast. Upon meeting Lewis, he fits the typical “jock” stereotype in many ways. He is tall, […]

Liberal professor claims eating meat perpetuates "hegemonic masculinity"

(Natural News) If you think that the liberals are content with just destroying the United States Constitution and nothing more, then you are sadly mistaken. From our most deeply held values to our traditions and customs, the progressives will not stop until they achieve their fundamental transformation, or perhaps to use a more accurate term, […]

Duke Recruits Men For Program To Fight "Toxic Masculinity"

Duke University is recruiting male students for a nine-week program that pledges to “destabilize masculine privilege” and “interrogate masculinity.”     The program, known as the Duke University Men’s Project, seeks to help men examine how their masculinities exist “often in toxic ways” while beginning “the work of […]

The Return of the Feminine Principle: A Question of ‘Thriving Life’ or ‘Destructive Death’

14th May 2016 By Christa Mackinnon Guest writer for Wake Up World The feminine has become a much-talked-about subject; feminine leadership, feminine ways of working, feminine structures, values and attitudes are topics discussed everywhere, from the underground media to the boardrooms. The return of the feminine seems well under way.  It will be a long and […]

Smooth Gentleman Arrested Because His Dog is a Nazi

Andrew AnglinDaily Stormer May 9, 2016 The UK has officially crossed-over into the realm of self-parody with this 1984-type stuff. A Nazi dog? How are they arresting people over something like this? Is it just trolling? The Sun: A YOB has been arrested after a video of a dog giving Nazi salutes to anti-Jewish slurs […]

Finland’s depression is the final indictment of Europe’s monetary union

From: President Risto Ryti was Finland’s great inter-war economist. He was unfairly sentenced to hard labour as a war criminal even though the Bank of England tried to save him Photo: Getty Images Finland is sliding deeper into economic depression, a prime exhibit of currency failure and an even more unsettling […]

Finland’s depression is the final indictment of Europe’s monetary union

From: President Risto Ryti was Finland’s great inter-war economist. He was unfairly sentenced to hard labour as a war criminal even though the Bank of England tried to save him Photo: Getty Images Finland is sliding deeper into economic depression, a prime exhibit of currency failure and an even more unsettling […]

Finland’s depression is the final indictment of Europe’s monetary union

From: President Risto Ryti was Finland’s great inter-war economist. He was unfairly sentenced to hard labour as a war criminal even though the Bank of England tried to save him Photo: Getty Images Finland is sliding deeper into economic depression, a prime exhibit of currency failure and an even more unsettling […]

Finland’s depression is the final indictment of Europe’s monetary union

From: President Risto Ryti was Finland’s great inter-war economist. He was unfairly sentenced to hard labour as a war criminal even though the Bank of England tried to save him Photo: Getty Images Finland is sliding deeper into economic depression, a prime exhibit of currency failure and an even more unsettling […]

Race War: Black-on-White Fight at the Skate Park

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