Have you ever walked in on a pop quiz in your dream? Regardless of your age, you may still dream of walking into a classroom and realizing there’s about to be a test you didn’t know about. Naturally, you are unprepared and most likely feeling panicked. Life is a never ending pop quiz. We are always being […]
Posts Tagged ‘mask’
Have You Ever Dreamt Of Walking Into A Pop Quiz At School? Here’s What It Could Symbolize

Erdogan: West more concerned about ‘animal & gay rights than plight of 23mn Syrians’

“Shame on those who deny the sensitivity they show to the whales, seals and turtles in the sea to the right to life of 23 million Syrians,” Anadolu Agency quoted Erdogan as saying. “Shame on those who put their security, welfare and comforts ahead of other people’s survival,” the Turkish president said, addressing the crowd in […]
Woman Was Sunbathing on Beach, Cop Runs Her Over and Shatters Her Body

Matt Agorist | The Free Thought Project Grand Isle, LA — Lindsey Gordon, 24, was laying out, sunbathing on the beach this week when an out of control cop in his police cruiser came barrelling down the sand and ran her over. Gordon, who merely wanted to catch some […]
7 Sacred Herbs for Activating and Harmonizing the Chakras

15th February 2016 By Justin Faerman Guest Writer for Wake Up World While the chakras themselves are energetic/etheric in nature, they each have corresponding physical organs, glands and systems in the body that can, and do, have an effect on their functioning. When the associated organ/gland/system is weak or out of balance, the relevant chakra […]
7 Sacred Herbs for Activating and Harmonizing the Chakras

15th February 2016 By Justin Faerman Guest Writer for Wake Up World While the chakras themselves are energetic/etheric in nature, they each have corresponding physical organs, glands and systems in the body that can, and do, have an effect on their functioning. When the associated organ/gland/system is weak or out of balance, the relevant chakra […]
Chicago police shoot, kill mother and 19-year-old son during domestic disturbance call

Two people were killed on Chicago’s West Side after a police-involved shooting early Saturday morning. Family members say 57-year-old Bettie Jones, of the 4700 block of W. Erie, was killed. The Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office listed Jones’ age as 55. The man was identified as Quintonio Legrier, 19, also of the 4700 block […]
An Inspiring Life’s Work Continues To Inspire

Print Friendly Above photo: From youtube.com. Just the other night we were discussing our upcoming November actions to stop the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other corporate trade agreements with two organizers, both in their twenties, Mackenzie McDonald Wilkins and J. Lee Stewart. We were trying to figure out what we could do to stop the corporate […]
Lewes Bonfire To Burn Effigy Of Cameron Holding A Pig’s Head

In the wake of the #PigGate scandal, a town in Sussex have decided to mark Guy Fawkes night by burning an effigy of David Cameron….almost naked with a pig’s head in his lap. Pig fucker? #waterloobonfire #lewesbonfire #lewes pic.twitter.com/MK6t5mOmYT — Matty (@MattyJam92) November 5, 2015 The huge effigy of a near naked Cameron resting a […]
Tens of thousands march in Moscow as Russia celebrates National Unity Day (PHOTOS, VIDEO)

A huge rally organized by the Civic Chamber was held in the center of Moscow on Wednesday, November 4. National Unity Day was first introduced in Russia in 2005. People walked through the streets waving various flags and banners, including the national flag and those with the orange and black colors of the Saint George […]
Julianna Forlano Show: To Heal Otherwise Known as Tikkun – Veterans Today

. <!– –> Home Health Agent Orange Coping Gulf War Illness (GWI) Medical Disability Benefits PTSD Investigations 9/11 Holocaust JFK Assassination Paris Attacks 2015 Sandy Hook Life Art, Books, & Entertainment Economy & Business Education Environment Food, Wine & Travel History Civil War (1861-1865) Cold War (1947-1991) Gulf War (1990-1991) Iraq War (2003-2011) Korean War […]
Deceased humpback whale turns up in Lloyd Harbor: Second dead whale for New York coast within a week

Humpback whales have been spotted playing in Long Island Sound waters several times in the past month. But unfortunately, a not-so-happy whale sighting was reported in Lloyd Harbor this weekend. A dead humpback whale was found in the harbor after a local resident noticed that the whale may have been in distress on Saturday, […]
First synthetic model of a bacterial outer membrane will support antibiotic development

For the first time researchers from Newcastle University and the Science and Technology Facilities Council have produced a working model giving access to unprecedented information about the bacteria which is notoriously hard to study due to its size and complex exterior. The results, published in the leading chemistry journal Angewandte Chemie International Edition, are featured […]
Rick Perry: The Man Behind the Mask

Robert QuinnOpEd News September 13, 2011 We know there are people on the job doing everything they can to protect America from terrorists. Who’s going to protect America from Rick Perry should he become the next president of the United States? Statistically, in the past 5 years you were: – 1,052 times more likely […]