What do burkas, tichels, yarmulkes, hijabs, kapps, fezzes, dukus, and surgical masks all have in common? Religious cultures mandate or strongly encourage these head coverings to comply with dogma. Although most of these are rooted in ethnic and religious traditions of any denomination to reflect humility before G-d and modesty before man, surgical masks have […]
Posts Tagged ‘masking’
Biden Administration Still Pushing For Forced Masking

The Biden Administration recently reinforced their commitment to retaining authority to impose endless COVID mandates on the American people. Source Views: 0
CDC Drops Universal Masking Recommendation for Healthcare Workers

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) quietly dropped its universal masking recommendation for healthcare workers last week. Source Views: 0
Masking Returns Despite The Science, Illegal EUA & Zelensky Arrests Opponents/Shuts Down All Media

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (7/11/22). As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth […]

The Great Barrington Declaration is a bunch of doctors who opposed all the forced masking and lockdowns.It is worth noting they did not take the position no one has produced a scientifically vitrified, Identified, Isolated, Reproducible, Stand Alone sample of a “SARS-COV-02” “virus” alleged to be causing the mythical “COVID-19” “illness’ Therefore they are themselves […]
CDC Buries Study Finding That Student Masking Has ‘No Statistically Significant Benefit’

By Tyler Durden Less than three months ago, the Centers for Disease Control published a mostly-ignored, large-scale study of Covid-19 transmission in US schools which concluded that while masking then-unvaccinated teachers and improving ventilation was associated with lower levels of virus transmission in schools – social distancing, classroom barriers, HEPA filters, and forcing students to wear masks did not result […]
An Old Green Colonial Trick: Israel Masking Land Grabs as Environmental Conservation

By Jessica Buxbaum Source “More and more open areas in East Jerusalem are being designated as preservation or national parks, and this is clearly in order to prevent Palestinian urban development.” — Sari Kronish, Israeli planning rights organization Bimkom OCCUPIED EAST JERUSALEM — For decades, a Palestinian village on the southern tip of Jerusalem has lived […]
Bill Gates: I’m Still Masking up After Vaccine – and So Should You

Billionaire Bill Gates has boasted that he is going to continue wearing a mask and socially distancing despite receiving both doses of the COVID vaccine. In an interview on Clubhouse, Gates was interviewed by Andrew Ross Sorkin, co-anchor of CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” Gates made a point of telling Sorkin that he will be strictly socially […]
Fauci Contradicts Himself on Double Masking After Only 3 Days

First people shouldn’t wear masks, then they should wear one mask, then it became two, and now it is back to one? Views: 0
Forget Double Masking, Now We Should Be Wearing Three Muzzles!

First it started with wearing one mask for a little while, now recently they are pushing two masks, and just like that, wearing three masks is 90% effective, goyim! Views: 0
Women’s Woe: Masking Insidious Domestic Abuse under Covid-19 Crisis

Written by Divya Sharma & Dr Anita Banerjee Engulfing the globe under its grim, the unprecedented Corona Virus (COVID-19) has surprisingly shown an upsurge in domestic violence cases worldwide. India being the second most populous country has witnessed around 2.5 times spurt in domestic abuse cases since the nationwide lockdown in March 2020, which is […]
Christmas Masking

From an article by Mr. T. M. Fallow in The Antiquary, May, 1895. We have already seen a good deal of masking in connection with St. Nicholas, Knecht Ruprecht, and other figures of the German Christmas; we may next give some attention to English customs of the same sort during the Twelve Days, and then […]
The deadly truth about lockdowns and masking policies

LifeSite staff were horrified today when we first saw this story from the city of Victoria in Australia – Pregnant Australian woman arrested at home for promoting anti-lockdown protest on Facebook. The insensitive abuse of power by those police officers and the ones who sent them is a warning to all of us that we must actively […]
What Are the Effects of Masking Facial Expressions?

August 27th, 2020 By Dr. Joseph Mercola Contributing writer for Wake Up World Poor air quality and the use of face masks have been a daily fact of life for many living in China. Since the 1950s, some in Japan, China and Taiwan have worn masks as a means of protecting themselves against air pollution. They also […]
Lawyers And Doctors For Human Rights: New NGO Masking Old Geopolitical Goals?

On Tuesday, the top story on Middle East Eye was particularly attention-grabbing. Under its sensational title, “‘Raped below a picture of Assad’: Women describe abuse at hands of Syrian forces,” the article focused on a recently released report from a hitherto-unknown, Turkey-based NGO called Lawyers and Doctors for Human Rights (LDHR). The report, which is […]