Here we present Bertrand Comparet’s sermon, The Great Masquerade, in which he tears the mask off Jewry and exposes them for who they truly are — and are not — and by doing so, he also reveals the deception behind identifying the Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples of European descent as so-called “Gentiles”. The audio can […]
Posts Tagged ‘masquerade’
Arnold Leese -The Great Jewish Masquerade Pt. 2/2

Remember the following was written over 80 years ago. Part I is here The Great Jewish Masque or The Ass in Lion’s Skin by Arnold Leese (Excerpt by [World domination and enslavement under auspices of Communism] is the end towards which the activities of all who participate in the Masque, whether Jews or their […]
The Great Jewish Masquerade Pt. 1

THE GREAT JEWISH MASQUE is a 55-page booklet published in the 1930’s by Arnold Leese (1878-1956) which purports to reveal the real history of the Jews. A veterinary surgeon, Leese was a British Nazi (remember Hitler was TIME ‘Man of the Year’ in 1938) who believed Organized Jewry is perpetrating a fraud on humanity. Judaism is not […]