Posts Tagged ‘masquerade’

The Great Masquerade: Jewry’s Identity Theft As ‘God’s Chosen People’

Here we present Bertrand Comparet’s sermon, The Great Masquerade, in which he tears the mask off Jewry and exposes them for who they truly are — and are not — and by doing so, he also reveals the deception behind identifying the Anglo-Saxon and kindred peoples of European descent as so-called “Gentiles”. The audio can […]

Arnold Leese -The Great Jewish Masquerade Pt. 2/2

Remember the following was written over 80 years ago. Part I is here  The Great Jewish Masque or The Ass in Lion’s Skin by Arnold Leese (Excerpt by  [World domination and enslavement under auspices of Communism] is the end towards which the activities of all who participate in the Masque, whether Jews or their […]

The Great Jewish Masquerade Pt. 1

THE GREAT JEWISH MASQUE is a 55-page booklet published in the 1930’s by Arnold Leese (1878-1956) which purports to reveal the real history of the Jews. A veterinary surgeon, Leese was a British Nazi (remember Hitler was TIME ‘Man of the Year’ in 1938) who believed  Organized Jewry is perpetrating a fraud on humanity.   Judaism is not […]