Posts Tagged ‘masterclass’

NPR gives a masterclass on how not to do damage control

What, exactly, are we taxpayers paying for here? Source

Sweden’s freedom of speech is trumped by a Muslim masterclass in tolerance

It's Eid Al-Adha, a blessed time of year for Muslims and a magnet for attention-seekers who do their best to provoke and incite them to react violently so that they can sell a mediocre book, film or cartoon, or create a volatile political situation to demonise Islam. It happens, twice a year, every year, on […]

“Distasteful Masterclass In Hypocrisy”: Elites Swarm Davos In Private Jets To Discuss Climate Crisis

The annual conference of the World Economic Forum begins today in Davos, Switzerland. Global elites landed in luxurious private jets over the last few days in airports around Davos to discuss important global challenges, such as climate change, behind closed doors. Source

Masterclass in Hypocrisy: Yes to pulling Russian liquor, NO to deshelving Israeli apartheid wines

Editor’s Note: The following statement was issued by the Canada Palestine Association. Mondoweiss occasionally publishes press releases and statements from organizations in an effort to draw attention to overlooked issues. We have been campaigning for years to have illegal Israeli settlement wines pulled off the shelves of publicly owned liquor stores in British Columbia. Successive governments, […]

Hillary Clinton To Teach MasterClass On Losing Elections

CHAPPAQUA, NY—Meet your instructor! MasterClass has announced its latest expert tutor, Hillary Clinton, who will teach a series of lectures about how to lose presidential elections. “We are honored to welcome Hillary Clinton to our world-class lineup of instructors,” said CEO David Rogier. “She is one of the world’s foremost in losing so thoroughly and embarrassingly, having lost […]

Your Natural First Aid Kit – FREE Ebook and Complimentary Online Masterclass

Many of us in the Western world have become accustomed to opening the medicine cabinet or the first aid kit for solutions to what ails us. Over-the-counter medications and store-bought remedies are often the quick and easy option, but they also contain a plethora of harmful ingredients that don’t support our health or aid the […]