Posts Tagged ‘mateens’

Naomi Wolf Exposes Government Staged Terror Attacks

Youtube link Former Clinton/Gore political consultant Naomi Wolf explains why we should be skeptical of overly theatrical news stories. Propaganda is legal! This took place at the 2014 Free State Project’s Liberty Forum. Note: Naomi is jewish and has written for publications such as The Nation, The Guardian and The Huffington Post. Source Article from […]

Homeland Security pushes to ban the words ‘sharia’ and ‘jihad’ in new program to steer millennials away from ISIS

The Department of Homeland Security thinks censorship will help stop American millennials from becoming drawn to groups like ISIS. DHS’ Advisory Council has released a report, suggesting that we stop making the fight against radical Islam an ‘us versus them’ fight. In order to do this, the department says it should ‘reject religiously-charged terminology and […]