The Ocean Cleanup “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch can now be cleaned,” announced Dutch entrepreneur Boyan Slat, the wonderkid inventor who’s spent a decade inventing systems for waterborne litter collection. Recent tests on his Ocean Cleanup rig called System 002, invented to tackle the 1.8 trillion pieces of plastic pollution, were a success, leading Slat […]
Posts Tagged ‘mating’
Pacific Garbage Patch is Being Cleaned! Could Be All Gone By 2040. Mating Pair of Leatherback Turtles in Australia For First Time in 25 Years.

Neanderthal Extinction Tied to Disorder Caused by Mating with Humans

There has been much speculation about Neanderthal extinction and why they disappeared 40,000 years ago. The latest research suggests they lived side-by-side with modern humans (Homo sapiens) for up to 5,000 years before their final disappearance, with the two species of humans interbreeding quite frequently. So, if Homo sapiens and Neanderthals were able to co-exist […]
Sex CAN move mountains; salmon mating habits alter stream beds, defining the shape of the watershed

(Natural News) It turns out that sex – not love – has the power to literally move mountains. Washington State University’s School of the Environment associate professor and researcher Alex Fremier has discovered that the mating habits of the fish species salmon can bring changes to the profiles of stream beds, thus altering the entire […]
Globalist Agenda Watch 2016: Updates 4-6 – A September blackout, an October financial reset, and a new Olympic terror target + a P.S. x 2

[Update 4] If you’ve spent any time surveying the alternative media, you’ll know that a great many globalist-controlled outlets and personalities have been claiming that the “Western elite” (or Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, ISIS, etc.) will be using a nuclear EMP attack to kill 90% of the population… …From Here is an excerpt… […]
Israel’s high court champions revenge against Palestinian families

Charlotte Silver Rights and Accountability 9 October 2015 A Palestinian from the Abu Jaber family sits on the ruins of the East Jerusalem home that was punitively demolished by Israeli forces on 6 October 2015. A member of the family, Ghassan Abu Jaber, killed four worshippers in an attack on a synagogue last year. Yotam […]