When Hillary Clinton first acknowledged in March 2015 that she had indeed used a private email account — and her own server — to conduct official government business as Secretary of State, it would have been hard to imagine that her campaign would 16 months later pronounce itself “pleased” that an FBI investigation concluded that […]
Posts Tagged ‘matt’
For Hillary Clinton’s Campaign, “Extremely Careless” Is a Soundbite to Celebrate

Silverhill will accept ZERO “refugees” peacefully

Last month the Zog targeted Silverhill, Alabama, the small town of 706 residents where this newspaper originates, telling us that its Office of Refugee Resettlement is about to introduce “cultural enrichment” into our back yard. We aren’t swallowing that pill. The First Freedom contacted the office of U. S. Senator Jeff Sessions with: Please state […]
The Coming of the Tuatha de Danann to Ireland

By C. Austin (Adapted from Lady Gregory’s 1904 collection Gods and Fighting Men) It was on Beltaine, the first day of May, that the Tuatha de Danann, the people of the gods of Dana, came through the high air to Ireland. Although they landed in north-west Connacht, the Firbolgs, that were in Ireland before them, […]
Pepsi Gets a Bright Idea: Put Aspartame Back into Diet Brand

Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Media Spokesperson, HEALTH MAX Group Pepsi Co has decided to bring back a taste from the old days with their new “diet Pepsi classic sweetener blend” for those consumers who want aspartame in their soda. Beginning in September of this year, the soft drink giant will […]
Under pressure from Presbyterians, RE/MAX announces it will no longer profit from sales of Jewish settlements

Press Release from The Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN) of the Presbyterian Church (USA): During its 222nd biennial General Assembly, which took place in Portland, Oregon this week, the Presbyterian Church (USA) continued its strong support for Palestinian rights with the passage of a series of overtures. An overture calling on real estate company RE/MAX to […]
Former US diplomat Saudi Arabia: US is hiding Saudi, Israeli roles in 9/11

CIA Director John Brennan and other American officials are trying to hide Israeli and Saudi tracks in the September 11, 2001, terror attacks, says a former US official. J. Michael Springmann, a former US diplomat in Saudi Arabia, made the remarks on Sunday over Brennan’s claims that Saudi Arabia will be absolved of any […]
Cops Can Now Digitally Steal Your Money Without You Realising

Cops in Oklahoma have been given the go-ahead to seize money from members of the public via devices capable of confiscating money from debit and credit cards. In an extension to the already harsh civil asset forfeiture laws, police agencies have now been equipped with ERADs (“Electronic Recovery and Access to Data” machines). ERADs are […]
The David Duke Show: The Total Jewish Control of Hillary and Jewish Hatred Donald Trump

David Duke June 10, 2016 Today Dr. Duke addressed the media attack on Donald Trump. He noted that the media is trying to smear Donald Trump with Dr. Duke’s own ancient history, while ignoring the more recent history of Hillary’s whoring for Jewish power. He pointed out that Hillary’s top campaign contributors are ALL Jewish […]
10 Ways That Minimalism Can Change Your Life

The minimalist movement — a lifestyle which opposes the Western consumerist ideal — has been gaining popularity in recent years, as more and more each day we are bombarded with hundreds, if not thousands, of advertisements all geared towards the same thing — convincing us to buy more. Consumerism in general has risen steadily since the Industrial […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]
Prince Autopsy Results – Police Do Not Rule Out Murder

The Prince autopsy results are in and the Carver County sheriff’s office say that their murder investigation is still going ahead. The Midwest Medical Examiner’s office released Prince’s autopsy results on Thursday, stating he died from an overdose of “self-administered fentanyl” – however this explanation is not the whole story. Asked why the police were […]