Posts Tagged ‘perps’

HUGE! Scathing Indictment of the COVID-19 bioweapon perps, their illegal US Bbioweapons enterprises — an Insider’s Revelations

READ HERE: COVID-19 and Illegal US Bioweapons Activity, an Insider’s Revelations   Source

Do you see how the NWO perps are determined to make Covid a forever Plandemic?!

READ HERE: US To Require Negative COVID Tests After “Extremely Irresponsible” China Reopens Borders   Source

Look at how the perps are blaming a ‘fatal math mistake’ for the entire COVID-19 lockdown cataclysm?!

FILE PHOTO: Adriana Cardenas, a medical technologist processes test samples for the coronavirus at the AdventHealth Tampa labs on June 25, 2020 in Tampa, Florida. © Getty Images / Octavio Jones By Malcolm Kendrick, doctor and author who works as a GP in the National Health Service in England. His blog can be read here and his […]

Did the Beirut bombing perps know they would do this much damage?! (Video) NASA has released specialized overhead imagery and analysis in the aftermath of the Aug. 4 massive Beirut port explosion. The pictures were released by the agency’s Rapid Advanced Imaging and Analysis (ARIA) team in cooperation with the Earth Observatory in Singapore, and provide satellite-derived synthetic aperture radar data which reveals the extent of the damage in and around the […]

Did 9-11 Perps Plan Las Vegas Massacre for Profit?

This mind-blowing documentary casts the Las Vegas massacre in a new light. The goal is to create a high-tech  police state where metal detectors are everywhere, not just at airports but at hotels and schools and malls. Indeed, unnoticed in the cry  for gun control has been an orchestrated media campaign calling  for scanners at all hotels, and one has already […]

9-11 Perps Poised to Profit from Las Vegas Massacre

This mind-blowing documentary puts the Las Vegas mass murder in a new light. The goal is to create a high-tech  police state where metal detectors are everywhere, not just at airports but at hotels and schools and malls. Indeed, unnoticed in the cry  for gun control has been an orchestrated media campaign calling  for scanners at all hotels, and one has […]

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