Posts Tagged ‘rainbow’

Library Apologizes For Hosting Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey to Entertain Children

Library Apologizes For Hosting Rainbow Dildo Butt Monkey to Entertain Children Views: 34

COVERT INTEL: Rainbow Bridge Explosion May Have Been Heading to NYC for Thanksgiving Day Parade Attack?

Hal Turner Radio Show High level contacts in the investigation of today’s car explosion at the Rainbow Bridge Border Crossing between the US and Canada, are now saying this vehicle may be one of many headed toward New York City to attack the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, tomorrow. ___ Source Views: 1

Rev. Jesse Jackson to retire from the Rainbow PUSH Coalition

“He didn’t give up when there were forces against the Voting Rights Act, or forces against the Equal Rights Amendment or addressing priorities at home or peace abroad,” said the younger Jackson of his father. Rev. Jackson, who founded the organization in 1996 to pursue social justice and civil rights issues. Over the years, Rev. […]

USA Corporation’s 2024 “elections” Embrace The Rainbow

Both the Demophiles and the Republiphiles are trying to outdo each other embracing trannism, perversions, pedophilia, and Sodom and Gomorrah styled pissing in God’s face. A political whore will do absolutely anything for a vote, Including turning the military into a Gay Caballero orgey which gives the ole military term “NUT TO BUTT”, brand new […]

Mario Arrested For Hate Crime After Leaving Skid Marks On Rainbow Road

MUSHROOM KINGDOM — Local Plumber Mario and his brother Luigi were arrested on hate crime charges during a Special Cup Tournament in which they left unsightly skid marks on Rainbow Road. “Rainbow Road has long been a proud symbol of our allyship with the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ community,” said a Peach’s Castle spokestoad to reporters. “When Mario […]

Black Eyed Peas Spark Heat For Wearing Rainbow Armbands In Poland New Year’s Event

“Where’s the love?” asked rapper after a party official called the armbands a “disgrace.” Source Views: 0

The Rainbow

Bright, magical, mysterious, and hopeful, is how the rainbow appears to us after a downpour of rain. Source Views: 1

USA redesigns their crest with LGBT rainbow for World Cup in Qatar

The United States’ men’s national team have made a huge statement at the World Cup in Qatar by redesigning their crest to incorporate the rainbow flag, in a bid to show solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community. The tournament, which starts on Sunday and sees the US play their opener against Wales on Monday, has been […]

ACH (1963) Mallificus Scott – The Limeys #94 – A Rainbow Appeared In The Sky

In today’s show originally broadcast on November 7 2022, Andy presents “The Limeys” with his co-host Mallificus Scott for a show entitled, “A Rainbow Appeared In The Sky.” We discussed: the Steven Douglas Whitener and Wendy video that we played during the show intro segment; Barbara Lerner Spectre’s Kings Medal; grass and leaf mulch; this […]

Bifrost: The Rainbow Bridge to Asgard Doomed to Collapse in Ragnarok

One of the most important elements of Norse mythology was the Bifrost. The Bifrost was the legendary shimmering rainbow bridge to Asgard, responsible for connecting the world of the gods with the world of the mortals.  Read more Section:  News Myths & Legends Europe Read Later  Source Views: 0

World Cup Captains Want To Wear Rainbow Armbands In Qatar

GENEVA (AP) — FIFA came under pressure Wednesday from several European soccer federations who want their captains to wear an armband with a rainbow heart design during World Cup games in Qatar to campaign against discrimination. France and Germany, the last two World Cup champions, were among eight of the 13 European soccer teams going […]

World Cup Captains Want To Wear Rainbow Armbands In Qatar

GENEVA (AP) — FIFA came under pressure Wednesday from several European soccer federations who want their captains to wear an armband with a rainbow heart design during World Cup games in Qatar to campaign against discrimination. France and Germany, the last two World Cup champions, were among eight of the 13 European soccer teams going […]

World Cup Captains Want To Wear Rainbow Armbands In Qatar

GENEVA (AP) — FIFA came under pressure Wednesday from several European soccer federations who want their captains to wear an armband with a rainbow heart design during World Cup games in Qatar to campaign against discrimination. France and Germany, the last two World Cup champions, were among eight of the 13 European soccer teams going […]

World Cup Captains Want To Wear Rainbow Armbands In Qatar

GENEVA (AP) — FIFA came under pressure Wednesday from several European soccer federations who want their captains to wear an armband with a rainbow heart design during World Cup games in Qatar to campaign against discrimination. France and Germany, the last two World Cup champions, were among eight of the 13 European soccer teams going […]

Double Rainbow over Buckingham Palace Attributed to Queen and Her Husband

A double rainbow which appeared in the sky over Buckingham Palace on the day Queen Elizabeth II passed away has been attributed to the late monarch and her husband, Prince Philip. Views: 0

Double Rainbow Appeared Over Buckingham Palace Right Before News Of Queen’s Death

Two rainbows appeared over Buckingham Palace shortly before it was announced that Queen Elizabeth II had died on Thursday at the age of 96. Although the Queen reportedly died “peacefully” at her summer home Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire, Scotland, the presence of the rainbows over the palace from which she reigned for 70 years was […]

Sea of rainbow foam transforms London public space into art insulation

A German artist transformed a public space in London into an art insulation by releasing a cascade of multi-coloured foam onto a stairwell. Views: 0

Iris: Greek Rainbow Goddess and Messenger Between Heaven and Earth

Anyone interested in Greek mythology will probably tell you it’s like going down the rabbit hole. Whilst most people are familiar with the major Greek gods and myths, the Greek pantheon is nearly endless and there are so many minor major gods and goddesses. And some of the least known gods and goddesses played outsized […]