Posts Tagged ‘relationships’

The Best Valentine’s Day Gifts for Long Distance Relationships

So, you love your boo, but not enough to move to the same geographic location where they currently reside? Got it. Unfortunately for you, that means your long distance Valentine’s Day gift-giving stakes are higher than those applied to the lucky bastards who see each other so much they can get away with a card […]

‘Respect For Marriage Act’ Officially Codifies Relationships With Japanese Body Pillows

WASHINGTON, D.C. — On Wednesday the Senate advanced the Respect For Marriage Act with a successful 62-37 vote, signaling their intent to legitimize marriage between weeb perverts and their Japanese body pillows. Source Views: 0

A New System of International Relationships is Developing and it is to be Welcomed

One of the most interesting developments in recent years has been the decline in the political and economic importance of Europe. This trend can be traced back to the 1960s when the European powers were forced to give up their colonial holdings, in Africa, Asia and Latin America. This was most marked for Britain and […]

Mark Robinson Says Straight Relationships Are ‘Superior’ Because Homosexuality Serves No Purpose

North Carolina’s radically Christian nationalist Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson spoke at Berean Baptist Church in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, earlier this month, where he once again went on an anti-LGBTQ rant while preaching, openly declaring that straight relationships are “superior” to gay relationships. “I can’t stand to turn that TV on and I don’t want […]

3 Ways Customer Relationships Will Change Forever in Light of COVID-19

By Dr. Gero Decker Undoubtedly, COVID-19 has rocked the economy. The International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) World Economic Outlook predicts the cumulative loss to the world’s GDP from 2020 to 2021 will be approximately $9 trillion. That’s more than the combined economies of Germany and Japan. But the crisis has disrupted more than global markets; it […]

Criticism and Unsolicited Advice: How it Helps Us and Our Relationships

Print Friendly or Save as PDF May 6th, 2021 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing writer for Wake Up World Many take offense to advice when they don’t ask for it, including suggestions. Unsolicited advice can feel intrusive. It can threaten our personal space and privacy. There are also different degrees of criticism and advice, and the tone […]

The Variable Relationships Between Worker Centers And Unions

Above photo: Members of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network show their support for undocumented workers, December 10, 2005, in Glendale, California. Stefano Paltera/AP. In some cities, the two kinds of worker organizations frequently collaborate. In other cities, not so much. This article is part of our series The Alt-Labor Chronicles: America’s Worker Centers. Like many […]

How to Catalyse Your Ascension with Conscious Relationships

November 26th, 2020 By Richard West Guest Writer for Wake Up World I’m sure many of you can relate when I say that sometimes I dream of simply living a hermit lifestyle, complete in my own energy and communing with nature. What bliss! And yet, I observe time and time again that my soul brings […]

Train Wreck Relationships: Why We Choose Lovers Who Destroy Us and How To Heal

October 7th, 2020 By Jack Adam Weber Contributing writer for Wake Up World I regularly see friends get completely destroyed by falling in love with someone who is unavailable to them and who has little depth and ability to show up. I’ve done the same myself. I call this a train wreck relationship. A train wreck relationship […]

Can We Expect Peace Between Nations When Our Most Basic Relationships Fail?

We are having a Full Moon in Aquarius on August 3rd/4th, it will appear the fullest on night of the 2nd in Western North America. This is the peak of the Lunar cycle that began with a New Moon in Cancer on July 20th/21st, as some of the themes mentioned in that article are still […]

Is Covid-19 changing our relationships? — The Duran

Dating is as old as civilization. After all, singles getting together in a diverse range of social settings, then embarking on relationships, is why a huge percentage of us are here! 580 more words via Is Covid-19 changing our relationships? — The Duran Share this: Like this: Like Loading… Views: 0

8 Dangerous Myths About “Twin Flame” Relationships

Next Story When you first hear about Twin Flames the idea is appealing – largely because it’s misunderstood at first. Most people make the mistake of thinking that a Twin Flame means guaranteed love – a guaranteed relationship. The second reason that Twin Flames appeal is this desperate need we all have to be special […]

Listening to Music with Children Enhances Their Relationships with Adults

May 6th, 2018 By April McCarthy Guest writer for Wake Up World Music, the universal language of mood, emotion and desire, connects with us through a wide variety of neural systems. Researchers have discovered evidence that music stimulates specific regions of the brain responsible for memory, language and motor control. Now, researchers have also found that young men […]

Cutting Capitalism Out Of Our Relationships

Cutting Capitalism Out Of Our Relationships Above Photo: Olaser / Getty Images “People get so involved with playing the game of being important that they exhaust themselves and their time, and they don’t do the work of actually organizing people.”—Ella Baker Capitalism does not just rule over the large-scale functions of the society we live in. […]

The Truth About Relationships

The Truth About Relationships VICE claims conservatives can’t get dates Paul Joseph Watson April 17, 2018 Is the left trying to frighten young people away from being conservatives by claiming (wrongly) they won’t be able to get dates & will end up loveless and alone? Please share this video: SUBSCRIBE on YouTube: Follow […]

How Your Cell Phone Can Make You Unattractive and Ruin Your Relationships: Acne, Impotence, Premature Aging, Reduced Impulse Control, and More

By B.N. Frank On March 28, Sowetan Live published their article, “Acne, infections: your cellphone could be giving you bad skin.”  The article provides all the juicy details, pun intended. Since cell phones were found to be 10 times dirtier than a toilet seat, acne and infections aren’t all that surprising since many […]

Teen relationships – trending changes and the use of parental apps can help

One hot topic for many of us today is the “Teen Relationship”; the reason being is limited time frame they stand or exist. We all know how rapidly teens make friends and at what speed, their relations break. There are major factors that support the behavior or you can say […]

Joe Rogan Shares Incredible Knowledge About Women & Relationships From The Perspective of Men

Next Story Many of us know Joe Rogan from hosting UFC or Fear Factor, and under those lights we see him as a regular guy who’s into fighting and crazy challenges. But many of us don’t realize how switched on this guy really is unless we follow him closely. Joe Rogan runs an extremely popular podcast […]

4 Ways to Reclaim Your Vital Energy in Relationships

November 1st, 2017 By Diana Beaulieu Guest writer for Wake Up World You are by nature a relational being. You need relationships and you invest significant amounts of your vital energy into connections with those you love. Whether you are single, in a romantic union, in partnership, and with or without children, the quality of your relationships is […]

New Moon In Libra: Changes In Relationships

Next Story We are having a New Moon in Libra on October 19th at 7:12pm Universal Time. This marks a new wave of energy influencing the upcoming lunar month, yet the astrological configurations at this time will be the strongest over the following two weeks leading up to the Full Moon on November 3rd/4th. Libra […]